Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone by J.K. Rowling - Review

Thursday 22 September 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone by J.K. Rowling and I absolutely loved it just like I thought I would. I'm so happy I'm finally rereading the series and I can't wait to continue on with it.

I'm sure we are fully aware of what this book is about but for anybody that somehow isn't sure, then this is about Harry who gets accepted at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry however he wasn't aware he was a wizard before all of this happened.

While at Hogwarts Harry makes friends with Ron and Hermione and the three find out about the Philosophers Stone that was created by Nicholas Flamel. The stone is hidden on the third floor corridor in the school and guarded by Fluffy, a three headed dog.

Harry, Ron and Hermione think that Professor Snape is trying to steal the stone so go out to try to save it before he does. 

I'm pretty sure I don't have to go into any more detail than that so now onto my thoughts and opinions! I love the Wizarding World and how magical it all feels. I completely fall in love with Diagon Alley every time I read about it or see it on the films. The locations feel so warming and even when things aren't quite going to plan, you still just feel so at home with this story.

The characters are fantastic. I love Snape, Hagrid, Dumbledore (specifically his inspirational quotes) just to name a few and I love how they are developed during the story. The friendship between Harry, Ron and Hermione is so warming, even in the beginning when they think Hermione is a bit of a pain to say the least. The way in which these three support each other is so captivating and gives a real sense of true friendship.

Because I haven't read the books in such a long time, I couldn't fully remember the differences between the books and the films. But now rereading this first book, there are quite a few, however this is the one story that that doesn't bother me in the slightest. The book is fantastic and the film is fantastic and I can't wait to delve in the second book, the Chamber of Secrets!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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