A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas - Review

Monday 16 November 2015

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finally finished A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I don't know why this book took me such a long time to read as it isn't too big and I was immersed in the story throughout. But at least I can finally say I've read it anyway!!!

In this story we are introduced to Feyre, a huntress from the human world. Feyre has to hunt to provide food for her siblings and father but she certainly wouldn't do it if they could survive without it.

One day Feyre goes out hunting and comes across a wolf and wonders whether this wolf is from the Fae world. As she doesn't like the Fae world she shoots it anyway. But little does she know that this has just caused her her freedom.

Not too long after that, a Fae wolf comes to Feyre's home and demands she comes with him to the Fae world as she has killed one of their own. A life for a life. It's either that or she is killed. She willingly goes with him to Prythian (the Fae world), and there finds out that the wolf faerie, Tamlin, lives in a beautiful manor house where she will also be staying. She also meets Lucian, another resident of the manor. Feyre is surprised that she hasn't been locked up or harmed and instead is told to do what she likes.

Feyre soon learns about the masks that they all wear and is informed that there is a plight that is effecting magic and this could eventually spread to the human world. She starts to panic about her family but Tamlin ensures her that they are safe and well looked after.

Tamlin and Feyre soon become friends instead of enemies which initially surprises Feyre but makes her feel more comfortable. But Feyre soon realises that Tamlin and Lucien aren't telling her the full story about the plight and asks a Suriel (a Low Fae) for the answers as they are unable to lie. She finds out about Hybern, a kingdom ruled by a High Fae King and who also resents humans.

Tamlin then brings back a faerie that has been injured and had it's wings taken. When Feyre hears the faerie say 'she's taken my wings', she starts to wonder who this 'she' is. She soon finds out that this 'she' is Amarantha, the queen of Prythian.

At a solstice celebration, Tamlin and Feyre kiss and soon a suspicious character turns up who goes by the name of Rhysand. He is known to have close connections to the queen and Tamlin begs him not to tell Amarantha of Feyre's presence. That night Tamlin and Feyre have an intimate night together but then Tamlin drops the bombshell that he will be sending her back to the human world in the morning.

Back home Feyre discovers that her family now have plenty of money and own a huge house. But after another manor house is burnt down she goes back to Prythian as she suspects there is something seriously wrong.

There she finds out that Tamlin has been taken by Amarantha and also finds out about the curse that was put onto Tamlin many years ago after he refused to become Amarantha's lover. The curse was that if Tamlin can get a human girl to fall in love with him that has killed Fae before, the curse will be broken. As Feyre never told Tamlin that she loves him, Amarantha has now taken him captive.

She goes to find him and when comes face to face with Amarantha, is given some tasks to complete in order to win hers and Tamlin's freedom. Little does she know that these tasks are just about impossible.

I found this book intense and exciting and I began to love Tamlin very quickly. I did think that Feyre would be a little more 'bad ass', but by the end when she was with Amarantha, she developed a lot more strength and determination.

I also loved being introduced to the Fae world and I'm looking forward to reading more stories that contain the Fae world. I liked that although the Faeries were made out to be bad, they weren't all bad and they could all love just like humans can.

Another character I actually really liked was Rhysand. He comes across as a bad character as he is close to Amarantha, but by the end we realise that he isn't actually too bad and that maybe somewhere in him, he has feelings just like the humans.

I thought Amarantha was a fantastic villain and has now become one of my favourite villains of all time. She was truly awful and I would love to read more of a back story about her.

I definitely wanted to hear more about Feyre's family back in the human world so I hope that they are more involved in the next book in the series as in this book, they didn't have major story lines and I think they could definitely be a part of a bigger story line.

As I said earlier, this book also took me so long to read and I'm not entirely sure why. I love becoming so immersed into a story that I read it within a few days, but for some reason this book took me over a week to read.

However, I did still really enjoy this book and would definitely recommend it if you are looking for a high fantasy read within the Fae world.

Rating /5

If you've read this book then let me know in the comments what you thought about it as I would love to know, and if you have any other recommendations of books that contain the Fae world then by all means leave those in the comments as well.

Happy Reading!!!


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