Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Review

Monday 17 April 2017

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I'm posting today to tell you I've finally finished another book! I have been continuing on with the Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling and have just finished Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the third book in the series. If you've not read the Harry Potter Series or seen the films and you don't want to be spoiled then I highly suggest you go read the books and watch the films starting right now because where on earth have you been?!?!?

So anyway, in the third instalment to this series we see Harry, Hermione and Ron back at Hogwarts but this year unfortunately a mass murderer named Sirius Black has escaped from the most secure wizarding prison within this world and Harry has been hearing that this murderer is out to kill him.

All of the students and teachers at Hogwarts as well as the Ministry for Magic has been keeping watch out for Black and the guards from Azkaban, the Dementors, have not only been at the prison, but also keeping watch around Hogwarts as well. This causes a few problems for Harry, especially when he finds himself face to face with one during a Quidditch match.

As well as this, Hermione is also keeping a secret that not even Harry and Ron are aware of. This becomes apparent when both herself and Harry have to complete a task in order to save not one but two lives...and without anyone apart from Dumbledore knowing what they are doing.

That's all I'm going to say as I don't want to go into too much detail however I will say I did really enjoy this instalment to the series. I loved reading about Professor Lupin, the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher as I find him such an interesting character, and of course Sirius Black. I've always loved Sirius and when I watch the films he is one of the characters I always get excited to see, however reading about him again also made me super excited as I loved him just as much in the book as I did in the film.

I also love the time travel used within this book and how it can have serious effects on the past, present and future if its used in a dangerous way. I was surprised to see how the time travel was only in one chapter of the book however as it as been a long time since I've read this series. I watch the films all the time though so they are a lot more clearer in my head and the time travel in the film is present for a much longer period of time than it is in the book.

I also noticed quite a few other differences in this book compared to its film adaptation whereas the previous two books have been a lot more similar to their films so it was interesting to see how both the book and the film made this part of the series work. I do think both worked really well and although this is my least favourite in the series, I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

Rating /5

Let me know what you think of this book as I'd love to know and also whether you prefer the book or the film and I'll speak to you all very soon!

Happy Reading!!!


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