Five Go Gluten Free by Enid Blyton - Review

Saturday 29 April 2017

Hello Book Lovers!!!

The second book I've managed to complete in the Dewey's 24 Hour ReadAThon was Five Go Gluten Free by Enid Blyton! As a gluten free myself I knew I'd relate to this!

This is about the Famous Five, now all grown up changing their diet to gluten free. This was down to Anne's decision as she see's it as more of an adventure rather than something negative. However it takes a lot for the others to see it that way.

As they realise that it's not going to be easy to begin with they start to secretly eat food that contains gluten without the others knowing.

So they decide the best way to start something a fresh is by going somewhere different, changing their location. So this is what they do!

However this may not exactly work either...

I really enjoyed this book and found it so relatable and hilarious seeing how the characters coped with being gluten free. It made me laugh how they were just like me trying to sneak in food wherever they could!

I also adored how the five were so close and you could really see the support they gave one another even though they also liked to annoy each other.

It was great to read a more adult side to Enid Blyton's writing as well as it was something new. However I could still see her child fiction writing sneak in every now and again which I loved!

Something I would have loved to see more of is a focus on Timmy the dog. I've always loved Timmy when reading Enid Blyton's child fiction and I remember Timmy being more of a focus in some of her stories whereas with this one I felt he was more of a side character.

Other than that though I really enjoy the book and I think I'm going to have to pick up some more of her adult works.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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