Happy Mum Happy Baby by Giovanna Fletcher - Review

Sunday 23 April 2017

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished Happy Mum Happy Baby by Giovanna Fletcher and absolutely loved it! I was lucky enough to meet Giovanna at her book signing and get my copy of the book signed which was so much fun. She was so lovely and even though I was so nervous she made me feel calm and collected by her welcoming manner.

Happy Mum Happy Baby is all about Giovanna's journey in becoming a mum to her two beautiful boys Buzz and Buddy. She discusses everything from the pregnancy and labour to breastfeeding and nightmare night times!

She also discusses the healing process after giving birth which is something that definitely doesn't get talked about much. Not only does she discuss the physical healing process but also the mentality she could get into during this time, as well as the pregnancy itself. 

Another area which I found interesting to read about is how she dealt with the online comments she received of her 'after pregnancy body'. It's crazy thinking people have that much time in their lives to post nasty comments about something that should be celebrated! Her body has just gone through one heck of a journey and she still looks fabulous!

I did find myself laughing at times during reading this story especially during the chapter ' OMG, my child is so unreasonable!'. It was so funny to see how she coped with the madness of a child's emotions and her little techniques she used to calm down situations. (She does clearly state on a number of occasions that every child is different so there isn't one technique that will suit every child!).

And that brings me onto my final thoughts on this book. The main reason I loved this book was because Giovanna didn't try to sugarcoat anything. She was very raw and real in what she had to say so much so that she said things like 'is this TMI?'. Well when talking about this kind of topic I think it's important to go into detail because I don't have to be a mother to know that parenting, although it is an amazing journey, can also be complete madness! And maybe one day I'll decide that I want to give this madness a go. However for now I'm 1. Not in a stable enough position in my life to support a child and 2. Quite honestly...I'm just not ready yet.

I would love to know what you thought of this book if you've read it, and if you haven't then I definitely recommend giving it a read whether you're a parent or not. It's a fantastic read.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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