Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig - Review

Monday 29 February 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished reading Reason's to Stay Alive by Matt Haig and absolutely loved it. I started it yesterday and read the rest of it today within a couple of hours. Safe to say I flew through this one.

This is about Matt Haig's struggle with depression and anxiety and how he has felt during his lowest and highest points. He also gives advice on how to deal with depression and anxiety and how he has overcome these illnesses and now lives a much happier life.

He tells stories of his time with these mental illnesses and gives examples of how he has tried to overcome these times but not necessarily succeeded every time. Family and friends were a huge help in Matt's recovery and I think it's safe to say they would be a huge help in the majority of people's recoveries. Talking is usually the best medicine I believe.

I really enjoyed reading this (if you can say you enjoyed something like this). I found all of Matt Haig's experiences very interesting and could relate to some of the things he has thought in his past. 

Even though he has gone through some really difficult times, he has shared positive aspects to these times throughout the book which make you think that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. I went through a pretty rough time a few years ago and eventually I began to think in a way that there is always a positive to a negative. So when Matt Haig has written similar things, this has made me think back to those times where I tried to think in the same ways.

There are so many sentences he wrote that I thought were just perfect quotes, but way to many to write down so if you're interested in what those are, you'll just have to read the book.

I really think that this book can help a lot of people so whether you know of someone suffering from anxiety/depression etc. or you have suffered, or are suffering from them yourself, I highly recommend this book as it will really make you think. And I love books that make you think.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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