January Wrap Up 2016

Thursday 4 February 2016
Hello Book Lovers!!!

We are now into February so it's time for my January Wrap Up. I had a pretty poor reading month in the sense of quantity, but the quality was good so at least that's something.

The first book I read in January was:

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline!!!

This is about a virtual world that has been created but when the creator of the world dies, a mission is left for the players. They have to find secret gates and keys to unlock the gates and the person that completes the challenge first gets to own the virtual world and gets all the money the creator has left behind. Even though this was a Sci Fi read and Sci Fi isn't really my thing, I actually enjoyed this a lot more than I was expecting. It was fun and easy to follow and because of this I gave it 4* on Goodreads.

The second book I read this month was:

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

This was a reread for me and I enjoyed it just as much as I did the the first time round reading it. It's about a set of twins that go off to University who have to overcome all the difficulties of University life. As the twins are complete opposites, this puts their relationship and risk and they have to overcome so many issues before they can build their relationship up again. This was a nice easy read and I gave it 4* on Goodreads.

And now it's time for my Favourite January Read!!! And that goes to.....

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline!!!

The reason I'm giving it to this book is because it has made me realise that Sci Fi can be fun and easy to read and it's motivated me to read more Sci Fi novels which was something I wanted to do this year anyway.

So that's it for my January Wrap Up. I hope you've enjoyed it and I'll speak to you all again very soon!!!

Happy Reading!!!


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