Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell - Review

Thursday 4 February 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I finished Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell and I liked it just as much as I did the first time round reading it. I'm classing this as a January read even though I finished it in February as I read most of it in January.

Fangirl introduces us to twins Cather and Wren. They do everything together including reading and writing Simon Snow fanfiction (their version of Harry Potter). But when they go off to University, Wren distances herself from Cath as she goes out and parties and socialises all the time whereas Cath likes to sit in her room writing fanfiction and isn't a fan of socialising in the real world. Cath socialises a lot online as her fanfiction gets a lot of views and she has a lot of fans there.

Cath's roomate Reagan is also introduced and she is the complete opposite to Cath. She is a lot more like Wren but even more of a partier. She has a friend called Levi who is always in their room and Cath and Levi become friends fairly quickly. Levi likes Cath to read him some of her fanfiction and this brings the two closer together but Cath thinks that Reagan and Levi are together so when she ends up kissing Levi she panics. But turns out Cath has misunderstood and Levi isn't Reagan's boyfriend but was in high school a few years back.

The story progresses through Cath's time at University and her struggles she faces with socialising and writing original content not based on Simon Snow. Cath has to write a 10,000 word fiction novel but struggles as all she's ever written is Simon Snow fanfiction, which she has something to work off from the beginning. Writing something completely original is something Cath struggles with and has to overcome during the story.

As the story continues, we begin to see that both Cather and Wren need each other more than they thought and before much longer they begin to realise they need to get back to how they used to be. Them against the world.

I loved this book and the characters within it. Something I really love about Rainbow Rowell's writing is her ability to character build so well. Each character has a distinctive personality which she describes in her writing perfectly and she is able to tell the story through one perspective but using each personality throughout really well.

I also love the University life storyline. I just finished University last year but this is a story I could read over and over again and I don't think it would ever get old. The way Rainbow Rowell tells us about University life is spot on. It isn't all about the drinking and partying. Friendships, relationships, socialising in general, the struggles, are all a huge part to play in moving away to University. And ones I am happy to say I overcome.

Overall I think this is a great read. I didn't feel like I needed to think to much while reading it and I loved the little snippets of Simon Snow fanfiction we were given throughout. It's a quick, easy read for if you don't have too much spare time and  I think it's just a cute YA Contemporary which will live on in years to come.

Rating /5

If you've read Fangirl or any other of Rainbow Rowell's books then let me know what you thought of them down in the comments.

Happy Reading!!!


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