Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Friday 1 January 2016
Hello Book Lovers!!!

The first book of 2016 I will be reading is.....Ready Player One by Ernest Cline!!! I was going to read this book last year after my boyfriend hyped it up so much and it was hyped a lot on BookTube. However, I never got round to it and as I'm at my boyfriend's and I forgot to bring another book to read after I finished my final book of 2015, I thought I would borrow his copy of Ready Player One and make that my first book of 2016.

From what my boyfriend has said, this book is about a world in which you are within a game. You go to school there, you work there, basically your life is in the game. The person who created this world sadly dies and hides his investment in this world. Whoever finds the investment, becomes the new owner of the world. And it's an Easter Egg Hunt to find the investment. How cool does that sound!!!

In my last post I mentioned that I wanted to try to get more into Sci Fi novels as I find them difficult to understand but I don't just want to give up on them. Ready Player One is a Sci Fi novel but the plot sounds fairly straight forward so I'm excited to see how I find this book.

If you've read this book then let me know in the comments what you thought about it and I'll speak to you all in my next post very soon :)

Happy Reading!!!


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