Bookish New Years Resolutions

Friday 1 January 2016
Image from Google

Hello Book Lovers and Happy New Year!!!

I hope you had a fabulous New Year and celebrated it all the ways you love to :) Today I thought, as it's the new year, and I have some exciting new plans for this blog and other bookish things, I would share them with you today and make them my resolutions to stick to this year :) So lets get started!!!

1. Read at least 60 books.
I thought this would be a good one to make as it gives me a goal, and if I read 60 books then I've matched the number for 2015. But you never know, maybe I can beat that number!!!

2. Begin writing my book.
For the last year or so, I've had a book idea on my laptop and I began planning it but got no further. So I want to make it my goal to have a finished first draft by the end of 2016.

3. Try to introduce myself to more Sci Fi novels.
If you've been reading my blog for a while, you may know that I'm not very good at understanding Sci Fi. This is something I want to challenge myself to do in 2016 and you never know, I might even find myself a new favourite book. Although I doubt that. Anne of Green Gables is my baby...

4. Create a schedule.
This is so I don't prioritise some things over others. This schedule will include writing, reading, and all the other non bookish things I enjoy doing.

5. BookTube
This is a new thing I've decided to start this year. I don't know how many of you know about BookTube, but it is a community on YouTube specifically for all things book related. Its such a good platform to get recommendations and find out about books that are hyped, underrated etc. I will be also posting all of my videos on this blog so there will be so much more posts to look forward to this year. Exciting stuff!!!

So that's it for now. Do you have any Bookish New Years Resolutions? If so, feel free to leave them in the comments below and I'll be sure to check them out.

Speak to you all very soon!!!

Happy Reading!!!


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