All I Know Now by Carrie Hope Fletcher - Review

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Hello Book Lovers!!! I've finished All I Know Now by Carrie Hope Fletcher and I have to say I really enjoyed it :) Carrie writes so beautifully throughout each chapter and had me laughing on many occasions with her hilarious stories from her time growing up through the teenage years.

Not only do I really like the content in this book but I also love the way the book is set out. Carrie is an actor (currently playing Eponine in Les Mis in the West End) as well as a writer, and her book is set out into Acts and within these acts are the chapters just like how a performance is set out. I loved this element to the book as it brings out more of who Carrie is.

The book covers topics such as school, bullying, relationships, the internet, and the big scary world after going through education, and although I am past some of these stages (the school situations) therefore this doesn't apply to me now, these chapters did make me think back on what kind of person I was in school and how I've changed and grown as a person. The chapters taking about the scary bits after education really did apply to me though as I am in my final weeks of my dance degree then after that I'm left to my own devices!!! This really made me think positively about how I want to approach the next chapter of my life and made me believe that if I want something badly enough, I can achieve it. 

Carrie mentions quite early on in the book 'Top Tips for Stressful Situations' and one of these was blowing on your thumb as it regulates your breathing if you're nervous about something. She then goes on to mentions how this helps when going on stage to perform which is something I can definitely relate to because of being a dancer. I have a performance next week so I will sure be trying this technique out!!!

There are lots of reasons why I really enjoyed this book and I definitely think that it will help teenagers going through all the stressful situations teenagers go through. So if you are in that age range then I would definitely give this a read but I do believe that there is something in there for everyone. Because not all the chapters related to me as I'm past the teenage stage now I did find that those chapters didn't interest me as much even though I could think back on how I was at certain stages of my teenage life, but mostly I think this book has really helped me think much more positively about life and going into the big scary world that awaits!!!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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