The List of my Desires by Gregoire Delacourt - Review

Saturday 11 April 2015

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've been meaning to put this review up since Friday (when I actually finished this book) but I've just been so busy!!!) so apologies for that.

I can't say I've ever read a book like this one before. It is a translation from a French novel. It has some really good mottos linked to it and I think debates could definitely be started from the story.

The book follows a lady called Jocelyne. She has a normal life, she has a job, a husband, children, and she writes blogs. She also puts the lottery on. Now we all know the chances of winning the lottery are slim but Jocelyne finds out she has won £18 million!!! She is shocked and has no idea what to do with all the money.

She speaks to a psychotherapist who tells her about the dangers of coming into so much money and stories of others where the money has gone straight to their heads and they have done horrible things. The psychotherapist also tells Jocelyne that people will look at her differently now that she has lots of money. Her children will look at her with money signs in their eyes. Her husband won't love her in the same way and will only be with her because of the money.

The psychotherapist ends up being correct about Jocelyne's husband, who runs away with the cheque when he finds it. During the time of her husbands disappearance, Jocelyne decides to recreate herself and her life and realises that money isn't everything. Meanwhile, Jocelyne's husband is spending all her winnings and having the time of his life.....or is he?

He soon starts to realise that although money can get you lots of things, it can't give you love and happiness. But is it too late to get Jocelyne back?

This is a really easy read if you want something quick. I was in London while reading it so couldn't read it that quick, but you could definitely read it in 2-3 hours.

I enjoyed this book but it seemed to end very quickly and I'm not sure how I liked how it ended. If you've read this book then let me know what you thought and by all means share your opinions on the rest of the novel as well. 

The way this book was written was beautiful and I really enjoyed Gregoire Delacourt's writing style. I will definitely read this again at some point to see if my opinion changes at all. Although I really enjoyed the storyline and the writing style, I do think that it could have been written in a lot more depth and as the book is so short, I think it could have been longer.

Other than that, I think it is a lovely read and I would recommend it, but only to readers over the age of 16. I wouldn't say this book is appropriate for younger readers as it covers older subject matters, not just winning the lottery.

Rating /5

Let me know what you thought about the novel if you've read it in the comments below and tell me whether you think money brings you love and happiness.

Happy Reading!!!


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