The Hunger Games by Susanne Collins

Saturday 18 April 2015
Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've actually started the first of the next set of books I'm going to be reading but have been having problems with my laptop so haven't managed to update you before now. But I can now so lets go!!!

I have decided to get my head stuck into my first series of 2015 and it's The Hunger Games Series by Susanne Collins!!! I'm super excited to be reading these eventually. I have no idea why I haven't read them before now but at least it's eventually happening!!! I loved the films, The Hunger Games and Catching Fire but I'm yet to see Mockingjay Part 1 and I think Part 2 is coming out this year, correct me if I'm wrong :)

So here is are the fabulous books in the series with the new covers which I absolutely love!!!

And I'm sure you already know and you can tell by looking at the stack of books above, but the first book in the series is The Hunger Games which is what I'm reading currently :)

So hopefully I won't have any more laptop issues and I can carry on updating you all as normal, and I will speak to you very soon with a review on the first book in this series!!!

Happy Reading!!!


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