A Place for Us by Harriet Evans - Review

Sunday 5 April 2015

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished my first read of April, A Place for Us by Harriet Evans. This book was originally published in 4 separate sections, each having a different release date. I'm glad it has now been put together in one book as I don't think I could have waited to read the other sections. Although all the sections are in one book, they are still separated and so I'm going to give you a quick synopsis on each of the sections.

Part 1

This section introduces to us all of the characters, their backgrounds, relations, occupations etc. 

Martha, organising a party for her 80th birthday sends out invitations but when the guests get their invites they notice a little message at the bottom stating that Martha has a big announcement to make. Nobody knows what the announcement could be. We follow each family member, slowly finding out more and more about their lives and how they are all linked to one another, whether that be friends or family. The conclusion to this section is emotional but ever so sweet, ending with Martha helping her ill husband David with a deadline that needs to be sent off the next day but can't manage it on his own due to his illness.

Part 2

This is where things got really interesting!!! It is the family party and the announcement is about to be made!!! The family have no idea what the announcement is going to be but in one of the last chapters of this section, it's revealed!!! And it wasn't a disappointment. I won't say what the announcement is but it's definitely worth a read. 

As well as the big announcement, there are more things revealed about other members of the family and the friends of the family. I like the way that we keep finding out secrets and we aren't just waiting for the big announcement. This gives the book more depth and I never seemed to get bored of the story. We also see the death of a family member which creates even more depth to the storyline.

Part 3

In this part of the story we read about how Martha is coping with everything that has just happened. She can't seem to accept what has been happening within her family and instead she tries to keep thinking everything is normal, hiding away her real emotions. 

We also read about David's past and how he had a terrible childhood. It was good to read about this part of David's life, even though it was rather heartbreaking, but it created a background to this character that we would have never known about if it wasn't for this section of the novel.

Part 4

Here the story is concluded and we find out how each character is coping with the unfortunate events of the family. Martha begins to cope much better, and her family soon become closer again, having a gathering once again at the family home.

From all of the bad things that have happened during this novel, it is definitely nice to have had a positive ending and to see hope within each of the family members and friends.


This was just perfect. In the epilogue we read about how David escaped his awful childhood and how he came to meet Martha. It was written so beautifully and it really gave the book a perfect ending.

My Thoughts

I really enjoyed this book and it is definitely one I would read again. I liked how it was written, jumping between character perspectives as well as time and I really became attached to some of the characters. I can't decide who my favourite character would be, but I did really like David. He was just the kindest, sweetest man and the perfect husband for Martha.

I would really recommend this book if you are looking for something based around family history and issues. It really puts into perspective just how much family means and that we really can't take our families for granted. They are the people we turn to when we are in need of help. or are upset, or just want to share some exciting news. And we really need to appreciate what family do for us.

Rating /5

Speak to you soon.

Happy Reading!!!


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