Fallen Angel by David Lamour - Review

Tuesday 17 May 2016
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Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished Fallen Angel by David Lamour and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was sent this from the author in exchange for an honest review and I'm so happy that I accepted it.

This is about a girl called Evelynn who is forced to move from her home in New York to Montana where she will live with her Aunt and Uncle as her parents have sadly died. Evelynn is not happy about this at all and finds it difficult to settle in.

However she soon realises that this is the least of her worries when she starts to fall in love with a demon boy and as well as that, an angel tries to kill her.

I don't want to say much more about the synopsis as I don't want to give too much away so now onto my thoughts...

I loved David Lamour's writing style as it was so descriptive and I could really picture every location, character etc. The images were so clear in my head it was like watching a film.

I also loved the characters, especially Brandon as he was so lovely and caring towards Evelynn. When I read a book I like to get attached to the characters and I definitely did throughout this one. In the fighting scenes I was kept on the edge of my seat throughout, worrying what could happen to some of the characters. The suspense was insane and I just couldn't stop reading.

The only character that annoyed me some of the time was Evelynn because I found her to be really indecisive about what she wanted, however this wasn't too much of an issue for me as I was still kept gripped throughout. I also found it a little strange how Evelynn reacted to finding out about the demons and angels. She didn't seem too panicked or scared or even that confused, whereas I think those would be the reactions to finding out that piece of information.

The whole storyline was so intense and kept me interested the whole way through. I flew through this book and I haven't just sat down and read most of a book in one sitting in a while so I must have been hooked!

Overall I found this book highly enjoyable and I can't wait for the rest of the series to be released. I don't want to have to wait to find out more about these characters and where the storyline is heading. And even though I've read all of Fallen Angel, I'm still terrified for some of the character's safety!

Rating /5


Happy Reading!!!


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