The Magical Worlds of Harry Potter. A Treasury of Myths, Legends and Fascinating Facts by David Colbert - Review

Wednesday 27 April 2016 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished The Magical Worlds of Harry Potter. A Treasury of Myths, Legends and Fascinating Facts by David Colbert and I'm pretty impressed by how much historical background the Harry Potter series actually has.

This book gives you in depth detail of the backgrounds of the character names, magical places, mythical creatures, and many other elements involved in J. K. Rowling's series. Each chapter is a different topic and the chapter topics have been printed in alphabetical order so if you wanted to recap on some knowledge about a specific area of the Wizarding World, it's easy to find that chapter in this book.

As well as that, throughout the book it doesn't just mention the Harry Potter world, but worlds in which some of these magical elements have came from and where J. K. Rowling got some of her ideas. We get to delve into Greek Mythology and Latin terminology which have both had a major part to play in the creation of the Wizarding World.

This was a good read and I found a lot of the points really interesting. There we so many things I found out about the Harry Potter series that I didn't already know and I see myself a pretty knowledgeable person when it comes to this world. However I've now learnt more and I'm super happy about that.

One thing I sometimes found was that it took a long time to get to the point being made. Instead of talking about a specific point and then concluding it, sometimes I felt like the facts were going a bit off track. This meant that there were times where I got a little bored.

Overall however I loved learning more about the Harry Potter series and I can't wait to give it a reread hopefully this year.

Rating /5

Let me know what you think of the Harry Potter series, and which book in the series is your favourite? Comment below with you answers if you so wish to.

Happy Reading!!!


Judge a Book by it's Cover Boyfriend Edition | Bloopers

Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I'm sharing with you some of the funny moments when I filmed a video with my boyfriend the other day. There were quite a few so gave them their own video. Enjoy!!!

Happy Reading!!!


The Magical Worlds of Harry Potter. A Treasury of Myths, Legends and Fascinating Facts by David Colbert

Tuesday 26 April 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Last night I started The Magical Worlds of Harry Potter. A Treasury of Myths, Legends and Fascinating Facts by David Colbert. The is my reread of the month so I'm super excited to revisit this book and the Wizarding World.

Happy Reading!!!


Judge a Book by it's Cover Boyfriend Edition | 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I'm sharing with you another video! As I had so much fun filming the Judge a Book by it's Cover Tag with my sister, I thought I'd do the same video with my boyfriend!!! Enjoy!!!

Happy Reading!!!


To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee - Review

Monday 25 April 2016 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and I mostly really enjoyed it. For some reason it took me so long to read but I've finally read it and I'm glad I did.

It's about a girl called Scout who is growing up living with her father Articus and her brother Jem. Her and Jem as well as their friend Dill get up to mischief and we follow their lives as children. They have a neighbour called Boo who lives in a creepy looking house and for some reason, Boo never leaves. The children want to find out why and try to take sneaky glances into the house.

As well as that, Scout and Jem's father Articus is a lawyer and is defending a black man over a white girl's accusation. This causes uproar in the town and the children are just trying to learn why.

Overall this is a story about prejudice, accusations, and lessons learnt while growing up. I don't want to say much more on the synopsis as I don't want to spoil it for you.

I really enjoyed this novel as I thought it was written beautifully. I loved the innocence of Scout as well as her perspective being written in an older way. The relationship between Scout, Jem and Dill was also really heart-warming and you could really feel how these characters were feeling throughout.

The court case was a fantastic section of the book and something I found really gripping. I also loved the storyline about Boo and how mysterious that area of the story was. However, even though these were great sections of the book for me, I did find that the story slowed down every now and again and that's when I started to lose interest slightly. Other than that though, I did really enjoy reading about all of these characters and how different the world was back then in terms of prejudice.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


Judge a Book by it's Cover Sibling Edition | Bloopers

Sunday 17 April 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

As there we so many funny moments while filming the previous video, I thought I'd make a collab video to go alongside it. Enjoy!!!

Happy Reading!!!


To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Tuesday 12 April 2016 0 comments
Hello Everyone!!!

Today I'm going to start To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and I couldn't be more excited!!! I've heard nothing but amazing things about this book and I haven't read a classic in a while so I think it's about time to read another one.

All I know is it's about a girl called Scout and she lives next door to Boo, somebody who doesn't come out of their house. As well as that Scout's father is a lawyer and is defending a black man against a white girl's accusation which causes chaos in his town.

I don't know much else but I can't wait to find out more. I'll update you with all my thoughts in my review post.

Happy Reading!!!


Judge a Book by it's Cover Sibling Edition | 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I'm sharing with you my first collab video on my channel!!! It's with my sister and there are some hilarious moments in this so enjoy!!!

Happy Reading!!!


To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han - Review

Monday 11 April 2016 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I flew through this book and I'm glad I picked it up when I did.

This is about a girl called Lara Jean who writes love letters to all of the boys she's ever loved. These are for her to read only but one day all of these letters get sent out and she has no idea how.

One of the boys that receives a letter is no other than her big sister's ex boyfriend Josh who is not only her big sister's ex boyfriend, but also her next door neighbour and family friend. This makes it awkward for Josh and Lara to begin with but as time passes this becomes a little easier...until Josh tells Lara about a secret he has kept for years.

Another boy that receives a letter is Peter Kavinsky, the 'popular' boy at school that all the girls swoon over. This leaves Lara mortified at school but when Peter and his girlfriend Genevieve split up, Peter comes to Lara for help. The two start a 'fake' relationship to make Genevieve jealous but soon enough this plan spirals out of control.

The one person Lara always relies on helping her is her big sister Margot (Josh's ex girlfriend), but Margot is in Scotland at university and the situation Lara has ended up in seems a little to complicated to talk to her sister about.

But how did these letters get sent out and what happens when Lara Jean's love life soon becomes a lot more complicated?

I really enjoyed this storyline and the characters. I thought the character development was fantastic for Peter, and although he comes across as quite cocky and arrogant, I couldn't help but like him. I also loved Lara's little sister Kitty as you could really see her innocence through Jenny Han's writing and because of that you could see the age difference between the sisters really well.

The plot was gripping to read about but also so humorous and a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. I was never bored and I flew through this book just like I thought I would. The only issue I sometimes had was Lara Jean could be really immature at times and I found myself thinking 'just grow up!!!'. However this didn't stop me from liking her, I just didn't love her that's all.

The development of the story was perfectly timed. None of it seemed rushed and the relationship aspects were at a steady pace and didn't seem fake at all (even though there was a fake relationship throughout). It's difficult to explain but you'll just have to read it!!!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


April TBR | 2016

Friday 8 April 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

I can finally share with you my reading plans for April. If any of these books are ones you are planning on reading sometime then let me know and if you've already read any of these books, let me know what you thought of them down in the comments (no spoilers!!!).

Happy Reading!!!


To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I'm finally starting my first book of the month. Bit late I know. I need to get my but into action!!! However I'm super excited about this read as it has a lot of good reviews. The book I'm talking about it To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han.

This is about a girl who writes letter to every boy she's ever loved however these letters are just for her. But then one day they all get sent out.

If you've read this book then let me know what you thought of it down in the comments and I will speak to you all very soon!!!

Happy Reading!!!


March Wrap Up | BookTube

Hello Book Lovers!!!

Finally I've uploaded my March Wrap Up. I've already posted my written Wrap Up so you can go check that out but I talk about the books in a lot more depth in the video if you would like to find out more.



March Wrap Up | 2016

Thursday 7 April 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I'm eventually going to be wrapping up my reading from March. Sorry this is a little late but at least it's now posted!!! You will also get a full video wrap up very soon too!!!

The first book I read in March was:

The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton

This isn't my favourite Kate Morton book, The Distant Hours is still my favourite however I did still really enjoy this book as well. It follows a girl called Edith who witnesses a murder and she goes to find out what actually happened that day, unravelling family secrets, mysteries etc. I loved the mystery elements and the locations were also really beautiful as well. I also loved most of the characters and found their back stories really interesting. I gave this book 4/5* on Goodreads.

The second book I read was:

Shelter by Harlen Coben

This was my reread for the month and I'm so glad that I revisted this story and these characters. It's about a guy called Mickey Bolitar who's father has died, his mother is in rehab, and his girlfriend Ashley has disappeared. I loved how thrilling and intense this read was and there was always a surprise just around the corner. I was on the edge of my seat throughout and the character development was fantastic. I gave this 5/5* on Goodreads.

And the final book I read this month was:

Girl Online on Tour by Zoe Sugg

This is the second book in the Girl Online series. I read Girl Online last January and although it is aimed at younger readers, I still enjoyed the story, and some of the characters I really loved reading about. Revisiting these characters in this book was lovely and I still loved Elliot just as much, if not more this time round. It's a cutesy quick read and although younger readers will probably appreciate it more, I think if you like contemporary reads then you'll enjoy this. I gave this book 4/5* on Goodreads.

So that's all the books I read this month. It wasn't as much as I wanted to read but I still read some great books so I'm happy with that. So now it's time for my Favourite March Read. And that goes to.....

Shelter by Harlen Coben!!!

I haven't read a thriller in a while so this was a great reintroduction to this genre. I definitely want to pick up more thriller books soon as I don't actually own that many and I would like to read some more.

If you've read any of the books I've mentioned, leave what you thought of them down in the comments if you wish. I'll be posting my video wrap up very soon so I will speak to you all then!!!

Happy Reading!!!


Girl Online On Tour by Zoe Sugg - Review

Sunday 3 April 2016 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

At the end of March I finished Girl Online On Tour by Zoe Sugg (aka Zoella). I haven't had the chance to upload a review until now as I've been so busy but better late than never!!!

In Girl Online On Tour we see Penny and Noah starting another chapter of their relationship. Noah is a musician and is on tour and this time round Penny is joining him. This is something that is completely out of Penny's comfort zone as she suffers with anxiety so big crowds and concerts are not something she finds easy.

On the tour Penny begins to miss home and her family and friends. She still stays in contact with all of them throughout the tour but finds it difficult that she can't see them in person. And to make it even more difficult, Noah keeps promising her that they will have at least one day to themselves where he will take her to see all of the sites in each of the locations he is touring, but keeps cancelling last minute for meetings and time with his friends.

Eventually Penny gets sick of Noah's behaviour and they argue. Finally Penny decides to leave and go back home and not speak to Noah. When they finally get back in touch Penny decides to go see him on his tour and talk things out with him.

As well as Penny's story however, there is also Elliot, Penny's best friend from home. He has recently split up from his boyfriend and can't deal with the reality of it all. When Penny meets up with Alex, Elliot's ex boyfriend, Penny decides to help Alex patch things back up with Elliot and the two come up with a beautiful idea about how to do just that.

Overall I found this book really enjoyable and I loved reading more about these characters. I still love Elliot just as much as I did in the first book, if not more. I find him such a lovely character to read about and someone I would wish to be my friend if he was real.

Although the storyline was cute, some of it was a little predictable and so the surprise elements weren't there within the story. I also found some of the story quite cheesy but as it's aimed at younger readers I expected that.

However I found that the story was a nice quick read and something I would recommend to younger readers or people that just like a cutesy quick read.

I really loved the reunion between Elliot and Noah as it was so sweet and I created a beautiful image of the scenery in my head. The writing wasn't the most amazing I've read however it was definitely enjoyable and I'm glad I carried on to this book finally.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!
