One Of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus - Review

Thursday 17 May 2018

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished One Of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus yesterday for the Bout of Books 22 ReadAThon and although I liked some of it I can't say I fully enjoyed it.

This book is about 5 students who all end up in detention. One of the students (Simon) ends up dead and the other four students are treat as suspects to the death.

That's all we really get to find out from the synopsis of this story apart from the different traits of each of the four students so that's all I'm going to say in terms of what the story is about.

Like I said before I did like some of the story just not all of it. I liked how we got to find out more and more about each of the students that were in detention the day Simon died and it was easy to determine which each of the characters were just on their dialogue as they were all different from one another.

This book is told in multiple points of view and I really like books that do that. However I thought the POV'S were changed way too often.Usually in a story each chapter is based from the POV of one of the characters and then in the next chapter it would be a different POV. However with this book there was multiple POV'S in each of the chapters which to me just felt too 'choppy and changey!'.

 The character development was something I did enjoy about this story as I felt I found out a lot about each of the characters and also the backstories to a few of them as well which made the story more interesting. However there were some side stories put into this that I don't think were necessary for the story at all. I think this book could have been shorter than it was and still told the story in a way it still got the message across to the reader.

I found my mind wandering quite a lot while reading this book and for me it did drag in some places so I felt I was losing engagement at some points. The writing style for me just wasn't exciting enough and I felt some of the topics in this book could have been written in a much stronger way.

Following on from that point the ending was what I had the most problems with. Although I didn't not like the ending, I also didn't like it either. The way it was written felt so rushed and for me it came across as a bit insensitive at times. It was as if I'd just read this whole murder case story and everything was revealed within a paragraph. I felt like everything could have been explained much much better and I think a more in depth explanation would have done the book more justice.

Overall I think this book was good however it did let me down as well so for that my rating is going to be in the middle!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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