A Series of Unfortunate Events. The Reptile Room by Lemony Snicket - Review

Sunday 9 July 2017

Hello Book Lovers!!!

My first book I've finished this month is A Series of Unfortunate Events. The Reptile Room by Lemony Snicket. This is the second book in this series and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Because this is the second book I'm warning you about spoilers now!

In this section of the series we see the Baudelaire orphans find a new home with their Uncle Monty, a Herpetologist who has a room full of reptiles that the orphans soon discover and find highly interesting.

They soon warm to this house and for the first time since their parents died, they start to feel happy again. But of course, the series wouldn't be called 'A Series of Unfortunate Events', if this happiness didn't get cut short by one event or another.

And unfortunately for the children, the return of a character we meet in the first book reappears, disguised as a different person. Of course the Baudelaire's know straight away who this person is but trying to convince Uncle Monty and Mr Poe, the keeper of the Baudelaire's affairs, is a tricky task for the children.

That's all I'm going to say about the plot of the story but I really loved carrying on with this series. The books are super fast to read and I'm kept highly engaged the whole way through.

I loved the children even more in this story and you can really get a sense of the support they have for one another once again. I love how smart the three are, even little Sunny, the baby. Between the three of them they always try to keep each other as positive as they can be and if they come across any problems (which of course happens a lot during this series!) they always try to overcome these as quickly and efficiently as possible.

I also loved Count Olaf again. He is such a stupid character but so funny and I just love to read about him because although he is awful, he is such a unique character and a character you'd never forget.

One character that did start to annoy me a lot during this book was Mr Poe. His stupidity isn't the same as Count Olaf's, he just won't listen to the children and therefore it takes him way too long to work out exactly what is going on in their lives and what he should be doing to sort out the situation.

I did love Uncle Monty however and I think he is such a sweet character that doesn't have a bad bone in his body. He is also really interesting to read about as he has such a love for reptiles and that's a unique trait to have in a character. I've not read about a character like him before.

Overall I found this book super engaging and full of humour even through the dark times the Baudelaire's were going through. I think this is a fantastic middle grade series and although I've only reread the first two books and I can't fully remember what happens in the rest of them, I'd still highly recommend it.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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