Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl - Review

Sunday 23 July 2017 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl and thoroughly enjoyed it. I haven't read this story in many years so it was nice to revisit it and feel like I had gone back to my childhood.

This is about Mr Fox and his wife Mrs Fox as well as their four children. Each day Mr Fox sneaks out of their home under the tree and into the farm of Boggis, Bunce and Bean, three horribly nasty farmers who have it in for Mr Fox for stealing their stock.

One day Mr Fox sneaks up out of their home, like any other day, but this time Boggis, Bunce and Bean are waiting for him, and with guns! Mr Fox's life nearly comes to a quick end but luckily he escapes losing only his tail.

Knowing the farmers are now waiting for him, Mr Fox can't leave his home meaning himself and his family are starving. It's days before Mr Fox comes up with a plan, but once he tells his family of this plan, they have no other option to just hope it works!

I really enjoyed this story and the characters within it. The three farmers, although they are horrible, are very funny as they aren't the most clever of people and Mr Fox could easily outwit them. They each have their own unique personality which Roald Dahl always manages to write so well for his characters and that's what I think makes his characters so memorable.

I also loved the Fox family and how much you could tell they loved and supported each other. It gave the book a real family element which I found warm and cosy when reading about.

The story itself is perfect for children as it is simple and straight forward which meant it was easy to follow. It's also full of excitement and would be great to read allowed with different voices for each of the characters.

Roald Dahl's writing style is always so amusing and fun to read and it has a sense of rhythm to it which makes the story flow well. The language he uses is perfect for a younger audience but is still brilliant for older readers if you want to feel like you're reliving your childhood!

Overall I found this book to be highly enjoyable and I would definitely recommend it if you have children or you just want a quick easy read!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas - Review

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished rereading A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas and I really enjoyed it once again. I decided to reread this book as I wanted to finally carry on with the rest of the series and wanted to refresh my memory on what happened in this first book.

If you don't know what this book is about, it's about Feyre who is a huntress and she kills a wolf while hunting not realising this wolf is actually from the Fae Lands. Because she has killed a faerie it means she has just lost herself her freedom. She has to make the decision on whether to spend her life in the Fae Lands or be killed instantly.

She decides to go to the Fae Lands where she is allowed to roam freely, just not allowed to leave at any point. As she discovers more about this place and the faeries there she also begins to gain feelings for her captor Tamlin.

Little does she know, Tamlin has a huge secret of his own. He has had a curse put upon him and the only way to break the curse is to get a human girl to fall in love with him, and not only that, but this girl hasn't to care about killing faeries.

I really enjoyed rereading this story and I loved quite a few of the characters, some of which you're not really meant to like.

I really began to love Tamlin quite quickly as I found him mysterious and witty and I love those traits in a character! I also really liked Feyre as I found her to be such a determined character with so much fire to her and I think she really represented a strong female protagonist very well.

Another character I loved was Rhysand. I found him so quirky and he made me laugh a lot and even though he wasn't exactly a character you were meant to like, I couldn't help but love him.

Amarantha, even though she is such a horrible character, I completely loved! I loved just how evil and manipulating she was and she is probably one of the most evil characters I've come across. I would love to see a full backstory on Amarantha to really get into the head of this horrible character!

The settings in this story were very easy to picture as Sarah J. Maas' writing is so descriptive and beautifully written. I never felt lost when reading about the locations and that helped me in my enjoyment of the story.

This story is really action packed and full of twists and turns and I think it is a really well written retelling of Beauty and the Beast.

Overall I think this is a strong beginning to the series and I can't wait to continue on with this story and these characters.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


Mid - Year Book Freak Out Tag 2017 | BookTube

Wednesday 19 July 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I have for you my Mid - Year Book Freak Out Tag! I had lots of fun videoing this and looking back on some of the books I've read this year as well as some of the books I'm excited to read during the rest of the year!

Enjoy watching!

Happy Reading!!!


July TBR 2017 | BookTube

Tuesday 11 July 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

I have for you today my July TBR and I'm super excited about all of the books I have to show you. I have a very optimistic TBR so I don't expect to get all of these read but I would love to get as many read as possible. I hope you have a fantastic reading month and enjoy the video!

Happy Reading!!!


June Wrap Up 2017 | BookTube

Monday 10 July 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finally got around to posting my June Wrap Up for you all. I didn't manage to read as much as I'd of liked to during June but I still really enjoyed what I did read and I can't wait to share my thoughts with you today! 

Enjoy the video!

Happy Reading!!!


Birthday/Anniversary Book Haul 2017 | BookTube

Sunday 9 July 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

I also have for you today my Birthday/Anniversary Book Haul! I acquired a rather large amount of books during June and I can't wait to share them all with you today! So here is my video and I hope you enjoy it!

Feel free to let me know about any books you received or bought during the month of June and I'll speak to you all very soon!

Happy Reading!!!


A Series of Unfortunate Events. The Reptile Room by Lemony Snicket - Review

Hello Book Lovers!!!

My first book I've finished this month is A Series of Unfortunate Events. The Reptile Room by Lemony Snicket. This is the second book in this series and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Because this is the second book I'm warning you about spoilers now!

In this section of the series we see the Baudelaire orphans find a new home with their Uncle Monty, a Herpetologist who has a room full of reptiles that the orphans soon discover and find highly interesting.

They soon warm to this house and for the first time since their parents died, they start to feel happy again. But of course, the series wouldn't be called 'A Series of Unfortunate Events', if this happiness didn't get cut short by one event or another.

And unfortunately for the children, the return of a character we meet in the first book reappears, disguised as a different person. Of course the Baudelaire's know straight away who this person is but trying to convince Uncle Monty and Mr Poe, the keeper of the Baudelaire's affairs, is a tricky task for the children.

That's all I'm going to say about the plot of the story but I really loved carrying on with this series. The books are super fast to read and I'm kept highly engaged the whole way through.

I loved the children even more in this story and you can really get a sense of the support they have for one another once again. I love how smart the three are, even little Sunny, the baby. Between the three of them they always try to keep each other as positive as they can be and if they come across any problems (which of course happens a lot during this series!) they always try to overcome these as quickly and efficiently as possible.

I also loved Count Olaf again. He is such a stupid character but so funny and I just love to read about him because although he is awful, he is such a unique character and a character you'd never forget.

One character that did start to annoy me a lot during this book was Mr Poe. His stupidity isn't the same as Count Olaf's, he just won't listen to the children and therefore it takes him way too long to work out exactly what is going on in their lives and what he should be doing to sort out the situation.

I did love Uncle Monty however and I think he is such a sweet character that doesn't have a bad bone in his body. He is also really interesting to read about as he has such a love for reptiles and that's a unique trait to have in a character. I've not read about a character like him before.

Overall I found this book super engaging and full of humour even through the dark times the Baudelaire's were going through. I think this is a fantastic middle grade series and although I've only reread the first two books and I can't fully remember what happens in the rest of them, I'd still highly recommend it.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon - Review

Friday 7 July 2017 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

The final book I managed to read in June was Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon. I really enjoyed this book but did have a couple of issues with it.

If you don't know what this book is about, it's about a girl called Maddy who has an illness which involves her being allergic to everything. Her immune system is a lot weaker than an average person's immune system and so she can get very ill very quickly. This means that Maddy has to live in seclusion with her mum in their house and everything in the house needs to be spotless so she doesn't pick up any unhealthy bacteria off anything.

But one day a boy called Olly moves in next door and they start noticing each other through the windows of their houses and when Olly is in his garden. The two begin to send each other emails and soon enough Olly finds out about Maddy's illness. But he really wants to meet her in person and so he ends up going round to their house in secret without Maddy's mum finding out.

I really don't want to say too much about this book as it would be easy to spoil it but like I said before I really enjoyed it but I did have a couple of issues.

I loved the concept of this story and most of the characters and their developments, however I did predict what was going to happen which I hate being right about! It doesn't happen very often but when it does it really annoys me.

I also loved the development between Olly and Maddy and how they became support systems for one another. I also loved Maddy's nurse who was with her most of the time as she had such a sweet, caring personality and you just couldn't dislike her!

Mixed media was an element to this book that I thoroughly enjoyed and it made the story such a quick read which is what I felt I needed at the time. The story is told through different formats including emails and doctors notes and it was really lovely to see all of these being used in such an effective way.

I was highly invested in this story and I never felt myself getting bored and I definitely want to pick up The Sun is Also a Star, Nicola Yoon's other YA story.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!
