A Series of Unfortunate Events. The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket - Review

Friday 30 June 2017

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished A Series of Unfortunate Events. The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket. This was a reread for me and I loved it once again.

If you somehow don't know what this story is about, it is about the 3 Baudelaire children and their incredibly unfortunate life after they find out about their parents perishing in a fire that has destroyed their whole home.

Because of this, the children have to go live with their Count Olaf, who they have never even heard of never mind met. Turns out Count Olaf is a horrible man that is only interested in getting the Baudelaire's fortune.

He makes the children do some awful chores and only provides them with one bed between the three of them. He never does or gives them anything in return for their help and instead comes up with a plan as to how he can get his hands on their fortune before the eldest child becomes of age. (The fortune can't be released from the bank when Violet turns 18).

All I will say is this plan involves Count Olaf's creepy theatre crew, a legal judge, and the youngest Baudelaire child hanging from a tower in a birdcage!

I loved this story when I first read it and I loved it just as much this time round. You really get to know the characters quickly and become attached to some of them. I loved how each of the characters had such different personalities from one another and this really helped in knowing which character was being discussed or was talking themselves.

I could easily picture everything that was going on during this story and that helped with my enjoyment reading this book. I also loved the little illustrations that appeared throughout and I really love Brett Helquist's art style.

Count Olaf is one of those characters you'll love to hate. He is such an awful character but you can't help loving reading about him. I love how stupid he could be and how he thinks he can outwit the Baudelaire children, when in fact, even if they haven't outwitted him this time, they are incredibly bright children and will no doubt outwit him in the following books.

Overall I think this story is highly enjoyable even though it isn't a happy story and I think it is perfect for children of a middle grade age as well as older. It's a fun quick read with such likeable characters and a villain you can't help but love.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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