A Series of Unfortunate Events. The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket - Review

Friday 30 June 2017 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished A Series of Unfortunate Events. The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket. This was a reread for me and I loved it once again.

If you somehow don't know what this story is about, it is about the 3 Baudelaire children and their incredibly unfortunate life after they find out about their parents perishing in a fire that has destroyed their whole home.

Because of this, the children have to go live with their Count Olaf, who they have never even heard of never mind met. Turns out Count Olaf is a horrible man that is only interested in getting the Baudelaire's fortune.

He makes the children do some awful chores and only provides them with one bed between the three of them. He never does or gives them anything in return for their help and instead comes up with a plan as to how he can get his hands on their fortune before the eldest child becomes of age. (The fortune can't be released from the bank when Violet turns 18).

All I will say is this plan involves Count Olaf's creepy theatre crew, a legal judge, and the youngest Baudelaire child hanging from a tower in a birdcage!

I loved this story when I first read it and I loved it just as much this time round. You really get to know the characters quickly and become attached to some of them. I loved how each of the characters had such different personalities from one another and this really helped in knowing which character was being discussed or was talking themselves.

I could easily picture everything that was going on during this story and that helped with my enjoyment reading this book. I also loved the little illustrations that appeared throughout and I really love Brett Helquist's art style.

Count Olaf is one of those characters you'll love to hate. He is such an awful character but you can't help loving reading about him. I love how stupid he could be and how he thinks he can outwit the Baudelaire children, when in fact, even if they haven't outwitted him this time, they are incredibly bright children and will no doubt outwit him in the following books.

Overall I think this story is highly enjoyable even though it isn't a happy story and I think it is perfect for children of a middle grade age as well as older. It's a fun quick read with such likeable characters and a villain you can't help but love.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling - Review

Thursday 29 June 2017 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finally finished Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling and loved it once again. This has always been my favourite book in the series as well as my favourite film so I couldn't wait to revisit this story.

There will be spoilers as its the 4th book so there's your warning!

So like I have just said, this is the 4th book in the series and during this book we go back to Hogwarts with Harry where once again he joins his friends Ron and Hermione. However this year there is something very special about to take place. The Triwizard Tournament!

This tournament will test 3 student's strengths and weaknesses in 3 very dangerous tasks. But there is a rule. If a student would like to enter their name into the tournament they must be over the age of 17. This means that Harry, Ron and Hermione will not be able to take part.

However when the results of who the 3 champions will be is revealed, Harry finds himself facing the tournament without any choice in the matter...and he certainly didn't enter his name into the tournament. He's underage after all.

Hogwarts is not the only school that will be taking part in this tournament however and for Harry's 4th year, the boys from Durmstrang and the girls from Beauxbatons will be joining them. One champion is chosen from each to school to represent their schools.

As well as the Triwizard Tournament, Hogwarts will also be hosting a Yule Ball, which most of the girls are incredibly excited about, however most of the boys aren't too keen. And Harry and Ron are dreading having to ask a girl to go to the Yule Ball with them.

I love this part of the series and I'm so glad I have eventually revisited it. The Triwizard Tournament is one of my favourite elements to the whole series and I love how it brings three schools together and we aren't just focusing on Hogwarts (even though I adore Hogwarts!).

I love the intense atmosphere the tournament brings and you can feel the emotions everyone is feeling to whole ordeal, especially Harry as he has had no choice in whether he was to take part in the tournament or not. I loved how the champions had to solve clues in order to know what each task would entail and I loved how Cedric and Harry helped each other out with these clues even though they were competing against each other.

The Yule Ball is another event of the series I always look forward to. It is such a beautiful element to the story and it feels like a special treat for all of the students. I love Hermione during these scenes and even though herself and Ron end up having an argument, I can't help but find it highly amusing to read about.

And finally I love how Sirius played a part in this story even though he wasn't present most of the way through. You always knew he was there supporting Harry and doing everything he could to keep Harry from harm. I've recently gained a soft spot for Sirius and now I'm becoming slightly obsessed!

Overall I think this is still my favourite book in the series but I'll have to reread the final three books to see what I make of them!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


Bookmark Collection 2017 | BookTube

Monday 26 June 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I would like to share with you my Bookmark Collection! I have a lot more bookmarks than I originally thought so I thought I'd make a video showing you them all. Enjoy!

Happy Reading!!!


June TBR 2017 | BookTube

Sunday 11 June 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I have for you my June TBR! I'm really excited about all of the books I have on my TBR this month but it's also a really optimistic pile of books so I'll just see how I do and let you know in my Wrap Up at the end of the month. Enjoy!

Happy Reading!!!


May Wrap Up 2017 | BookTube

Friday 9 June 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I'm bringing you my May Wrap Up! I read 8 books in May so I'm super happy about that! I'm also happy with all of the content I read as well and I've also found a new favourite book during last months reading. I hope you enjoy the video and feel free to let me know what you're favourite read of May was!

Happy Reading!!!


Sequel Wishlist 2017 | BookTube

Monday 5 June 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I'm sharing with you some books I wish had sequels. For a lot of books I read, sometimes I just want to read even more about the characters and their stories and that's why I love reading sequels so much. So here are some books I wish had sequels.


Happy Reading!!!


Bout of Books 19 Wrap Up 2017 | BookTube

Friday 2 June 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

I'm finally sharing with you my wrap up of all the books I managed to read during the Bout of Books 19 ReadAThon! I am so pleased with the amount I managed to read and I'm excited to share my opinions on them all with you now.


Happy Reading!!!
