Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild - Review

Friday 10 March 2017

Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I'm bringing you a very overdue review of Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild. This was a reread for me as I already read this quite a few years back and really enjoyed it so decided to give it another read.

This is about 3 sisters, Pauline, Petrova and Posy. Pauline wants to be an actress, Petrova loves to play with cars and Posy loves nothing more than to dance. The three are forced to start dance lessons as money is an issue at home due to their Great Uncle Matthew's money running out and him not have returned from his travels yet, and this is a way that the girls can earn a little bit of money to help at home.

They are all put forward for a number of auditions and even Petrova who has no interest in dancing or acting bags herself a part in one of the productions. Naturally Pauline is cast in a few different productions and because she is older, she can earn more money. Posy however is too young to earn money to start with but wants to be in all of the performances anyway because she has such a love for dance.

So we follow the three sisters and their journey into the performance world and how they each cope with the issues they face throughout this process.

I don't want to say much more as I don't want to spoil anything but it is a lovely story that I think anyone of any age can read.

What I really loved about this story was the characterisation. There was such a difference in personalities between the sisters that you felt you knew each of them very well very quickly which helped when keeping up with which character was doing what.

I also loved the dance and performance aspect to the story as I'm a dancer and dance teacher myself and have done a number of different shows over the years so found that element to the story really interesting.

As well as all of the above points, I think the writing style is something that could suit anyone as it's easy to understand yet really interesting as you can see it is an older story that was written a while back.

Overall I'd recommend this to anyone but especially those of you who are from a performance background or are interested in that sector as I found all of that really interesting to read about.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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