A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness - Review

Friday 10 March 2017

Hello Book Lovers!!!

In February I only managed to read one book because I have been so busy. However what I did read I completely fell in love with and that was A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. This was a beautiful yet heartbreaking story and I just couldn't put it down.

So in this story we meet Conor who has been having nightmares and one night a monster turns up outside his window. However this isn't what Conor is afraid of at all. Actually, Conor isn't afraid of the monster one bit. But he can't quite understand whether he is still in one of his nightmares or whether there really is a monster standing outside his window and if there is...why.

I really don't want to say any more as it is really difficult to describe this story without completely spoiling it and it's a story I think everyone should read without knowing much about it.

I adored this story and the impact it had on me and my emotions. I don't cry at books very often but this one turned me into a complete mess! Again that's not something I want to explain though as it will give the story away.

I loved Conor and felt very emotionally attached to him and if you've been reading my posts for a while you'll know I love to get attached to characters. I loved how Conor grew as the story developed and we got to learn more and more about him and not only his nightmares but his difficult times in school as well. Although these were all really difficult to read about it made the story intense and gripping and like I said earlier, I just couldn't put this book down.

I also loved the messages this story brought across. As well as it being heartbreaking yet enjoyable, it's also quite educational as well and could help a lot of people if they have been through or are going through traumatic experiences.

The monster was such a clever element to the story and such an interesting character. He is definitely not one I'll forget any time soon that's for sure!

Overall I'd highly recommend this but possibly not to younger readers as its very heart-wrenching so could be too upsetting to some readers. However if you can cope with books that deal with trauma and hard hitting subjects and enjoy reading those kind of stories then I definitely think this book is for you. I'd also recommend the film as that was incredible as well.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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