Fairytale IRL Book Tag 2016 | BookTube

Thursday 27 October 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I'm sharing with you a book tag that I seen floating around BookTube that I really liked the idea of. It was created in celebration of the release of Something In Between by Melissa De La Cruz. This tag focuses on Fairytale elements and how they can be linked to Contemporary stories.


Happy Reading!!!


Will Grayson Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan

Sunday 16 October 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

The next book I've decided to read is Will Grayson Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan. This is one of the only books by John Green I haven't read so I wanted to add this to my list of read books by him.

I don't know a lot about this book other than it's about two boys, both called Will Grayson, that end up crossing paths and because of this their lives somehow manage to go in completely unexpected directions. I don't know much else but I'm excited to give it a read!

Happy Reading!!!


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling - Review

Saturday 15 October 2016 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling and once again loved it. I'm super excited to read the Prisoner of Azkaban now even though that is one of my least favourite of the series. Who knows, I might love it more this time round!

The Chamber of Secrets is the second book in the Harry Potter series and we follow Harry through his second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This year Harry gets a visit from a house elf called Dobby that warns him he must not go back to school, strange messages are been found on the walls of Hogwarts, Harry is hearing strange voices that only he can hear, and he also finds a magical diary that appears to be blank.

Once again, Harry, Ron and Hermione find themselves trying to figure out the mysteries of all of these different elements and how they all intertwine.

But how much time have they got before the lives of many are in serious danger?

Like I said before I loved this book once again. I think I still prefer the first book however this is still just so magical and had me engaged the whole way through. Hogwarts once again had me wishing I was there even though bad things were happening.

The characters from the first book I loved once again in this book and the new characters introduced like Dobby made me so excited to be revisiting these books again. Ron makes me laugh so much throughout this series but especially in this book where he and Harry have to 'follow the spiders' and Ron is terrified of them and says some brilliant one liners.

The world is so magical, not just Hogwarts but it's surrounding areas and it makes me feel so warm and cosy so reading this series at this time of year when the weather is getting a lot colder is just perfect.

The writing style once again is very easy to understand as it's a middle grade read but it's a series that anyone of any age can read and it's a story that I'm sure will still be talked about in years to come.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling

Thursday 13 October 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

The first book I decided to read in October was Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I've already started it and loving it so far like I thought I would. I'm loving rereading this series and I would recommend it to anyone. I'll update you with my full thoughts and opinions in my review!

Happy Reading!!!


October TBR 2016 | BookTube

Tuesday 11 October 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

I'm finally getting round to telling you about all the books I plan on reading in October! I hope I get a lot read this month but it's not looking likely at the minute! However I'm still determined! So these are the books I plan on reading!


Happy Reading!!!


September Wrap Up 2016 | BookTube

Monday 10 October 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

I'm finally sharing with you my video wrap up for September where I talk a lot more in depth about my thoughts and opinions on all the books I read during the month. Let me know what you've been reading in September and your favourite book of the month and I'll speak to you all very soon!


Happy Reading!!!


September Wrap Up | 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!
Today I'm finally getting round to telling you about all of the books I read in September! I only managed to read 4 books but considering how busy my month got, I'm pretty happy with that! So without further ado, lets get started!

The first book I read was...

Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer

This is the third book in the Twilight Series and probably my least favourite so far. If you don't know what Twilight is about, it's about Bella who moves to Fawks to live with her dad and at school meets a boy called Edward Cullen. Turns out Edward is a vampire and before long, Bella also wants to be a vampire.I didn't find this book to be exciting until nearer the end where the fight scenes started and I felt that the book could have been a lot shorter as the story was dragged out a lot. I only gave this book 2* on Goodreads.

The second book I read was...

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone by J.K. Rowling

This is of course the first book in the Harry Potter Series. I'm not going to go into what this is about as I'm sure you all know but once again I absolutely loved this book. This series is one of my babies. I completely fall in love with the Wizarding World and the characters every time I visit them. I love all the magic and the characters and the world development is fantastic. I can't wait to carry on with the series and revisit more of the world. I of course gave this 5* on Goodreads.

The third book I read in September was...

Feel the Fear and do it Anyway by Susan Jeffers

This is a non fiction book that discusses the ways in which we think, and how we can begin to think much more positively. I was recommended this as I've been having trouble with anxiety recently and I definitely think this book helped me. It talks about lots of different topics such as relationships, jobs, changes in your life, social aspects etc. and how in each of these situations, you can turn negatives into positives. I found this book very interesting and helpful as it not only discussed these topics, but gave images, diagrams, quotes, and techniques throughout which made the book much more interactive. This is definitely something I'll go back to again and again especially if I'm feeling a bit rubbish. I gave this book 5* on Goodreads.

And the final book I read was...

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

This is the first book in this series and I decided to read it as the film came out during September as well. This is about 16 year old Jacob who has been in a family tragedy and this then leads him to a small island just of the coast of Wales. There he finds the remains of an old orphanage which he soon discovers is Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. He begins to unravel clues as to who these children were, who Miss Peregrine was, and also whether they could still be alive. As well as this, these clues could lead him to how this place is linked to himself and another member of his family. I expected to like this book a lot more than I did. I did enjoy it, but I found my mind wandering a little too much. I loved the story, but I felt that sometimes not a lot was happening and that's when I began to lose interest. Saying that, I did enjoy the locations and the images throughout this story as they helped me visualise the settings. I gave this 3* on Goodreads.

So that's it for my September Wrap Up! It's now time to tell you my Favourite Read of September! And the award goes to.....

Feel the Fear and do it Anyway by Susan Jeffers!!!

You might have expected me to pick Harry Potter and of course I love Harry Potter. But I thought that I would pick a different book as Harry Potter wins all the awards for me! So the reason I picked Feel the Fear and do it Anyway is because I related to what was being discussed so much and I know it's a book that will carry on helping me when I feel down. It's something I know I can go back to and it has something in there for everyone.

That's it for this post. I'll be posting my video wrap up very soon so keep your eye out for that. Let me know what you're favourite book of September was and I'll speak to you all very soon!

Happy Reading!!!


Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs - Review

Thursday 6 October 2016 0 comments

Hello Everyone!!!

Due to my life going a bit manic over the last couple of weeks I've failed to keep you up to date with what I've been reading. So now I'll tell you I've been reading Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs! I didn't enjoy this as much as I'd hoped however there were still elements I found enjoyable.

This is about a 16 year old boy called Jacob who ends up in a family tragedy. He finds himself visiting an island just off the coast of Wales and there he discovers the ruins of an abandoned orphanage. He soon begins to unravel clues about the children that used to live here and about Miss Peregrine herself.

One of the things he discovers is that these children might somehow still be alive and he decides he wants to find them and talk to them about what went on here and how this could actually link to himself and one of his family members.

As the story unravels, Jacob finds that getting information might be more difficult than he anticipated as nobody will tell him anything and they keep secrets that supposedly he can't find out about.

I found the story enjoyable and the idea was very interesting, however I did find my mind wandering quite a lot as the book was slow paced to begin with and took a while for anything major to happen.

However once the story got underway more, I did begin to enjoy it more and that kept me engaged and I was able to concentrate on what was happening, meaning I didn't find myself getting confused as much.

I really liked the settings in this story and I found that they were easy to visualise. This made it easier for me to stay engaged and I also began to ask a lot of questions and wanted to find out more.

Although I loved the settings, I didn't find myself getting attached to any of the characters and I didn't gain any clear opinions of any of them either. This is definitely a disappointment for me as I love to get attached to characters and I find I enjoy stories a lot more when I do.

I liked the images throughout as they linked to the story well and it was another element that help me visualise. They were so interesting yet very weird but they definitely gave the story that extra something and I appreciated that.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!
