The Crown by Kiera Cass

Tuesday 28 June 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!

The next book I'm going to read is The Crown by Kiera Cass. This is the final book in the Selection Series as far as I'm aware and I have loved reading this series so I'm very much looking forward to reading this book.

The last book was The Heir and this followed the daughter of the main protagonist in the first 3 books so I'm assuming The Crown is going to finalise her part of the story. I didn't like The Heir as much as the first 3 books however I did still really enjoy it.

Happy Reading!!!


Twilight by Stephanie Meyer - Review

Hello Book Lovers!

I've finished rereading Twilight by Stephanie Meyer and I can say that 16 year old Hannah definitely preferred it to 22 year old Hannah.

I'm sure you all know what Twilight is about but in case some of you don't then I'll give you a brief synopsis.

Bella Swan moves from Jacksonville where she lives with her mum and her mum's boyfriend Phil to live with her dad Charlie in Forks. At school Bella meets a guy called Edward Cullen and at first Bella is convinced that Edward hates her.

But when Bella starts to notice things about Edward that aren't humanly possible she begins to do some research and soon starts to build theories on what Edward could be.

After she finds out that Edward and the rest of the Cullen's are vampires, she can't help but want to find out more and can't keep her distance from them. Edward soon opens up to Bella and the two grow close. But getting close to a vampire is never going to end well.

When the Cullen's and Bella are out playing a baseball game, 3 unexpected visitors arrive. They are also vampires however not like the Cullen's. The Cullen's only drink the blood from animals. These vampires drink human blood so when one of them notices Bella, she and Edward have to make a run for it.

Bella and two of Edward's siblings, Alice and Jasper take Bella away from Forks to a hotel to try to hide her from this vampire that is now hunting her. But the vampire tricks Bella into believing her mother is in trouble leading Bella straight to where he is. Her old ballet studio.

I'm not going to say anymore in case some of you haven't read it and you would like to. Like I said above, 16 year old Hannah enjoyed the story more than 22 year old Hannah. However 22 year old Hannah did still enjoy it, just not as much this time round.

I still really like Alice Cullen as I find her character so unique and fun to read about. However Bella got on my nerves and the relationship between her and Edward was to insta-lovey for me. I loved Carlisle's character and thought he was a strong part of the story and I liked the relationship you could tell all of the Cullen's had with each other.

I found the story quite flat for a lot of it. It took a long time for anything major to happen and that left me getting a bit bored on a few occasions. However when things did start happening I got into the story a lot more.

I thought that the writing style was a bit plain and there wasn't much development in either the characters or the locations. I also didn't find the writing style that descriptive which is something I love in a story.

I will always like this story because of how it encouraged so many more people to start reading when it was first released however I would recommend it more to a younger audience than an older audience.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

Thursday 23 June 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!

I've started to reread the Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer as this is what I picked out of my rereads cup this month. I enjoyed it the first time round however that was about 6 years ago so whether or not a enjoy it as much this time round we will have to see!

If you've read the Twilight Saga then let me know what you thought of it. I know that this is a really split series so I'm intrigued to know you're opinions and why you have those opinions :)

Happy Reading!


Me Before You by Jojo Moyes - Review

Sunday 19 June 2016 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!

I've finally finished Me Before You by Jojo Moyes and I'm feeling a bit all over the place. I enjoyed this book so much and it made me feel every emotion under the sun.

This story follows Lou who works in a coffee shop and loves her job. However she's not sure whether she loves her boyfriend Patrick. Also what Lou doesn't know is she's about to lose her job. Finding out this Lou then sets out to find another job. An interview for a carer position comes up and Lou decides after much debating to go for it even though she has no experience in this field whatsoever. To her surprise she gets the job and begins to care for a guy called Will who is a paraplegic after having a motorbike accident a couple of years before the story is set.

At first Lou doesn't really know how to deal with Will as he doesn't really talk to her and instead makes sarcastic comments here and there. But after some time the two begin to get used to each other and Lou starts to enjoy her job a little more. What Lou is about to find out however is that Will has no desires to live any more.

Lou sets out to try to make Will see that life isn't all that bad and you can make positives out of the negatives. At the same time Will sets out to try to get Lou to broaden her horizons with the world and try new things that she would never have dared to try before.

I really don't want to tell you much more as I don't want to spoil the story but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I loved the connection between Lou and Will and I loved Will's sarcastic humour towards pretty much everyone.

The story itself covered a lot of serious topics that were written fantastically and the amount of research Jojo Moyes must have had to put into this story is just inspiring. Her writing style is just beautiful and I found myself lost in her words so many times. It was hard for me to put the book down when I needed to be doing something else or being somewhere else.

I felt so gripped throughout the story and it really was an emotional rollercoaster. I don't cry at books very often at all but this had me in tears. The relationships and friendships throughout this novel were written so well and I think that was the main reason I became so attached to some of the characters.

I'm definitely glad I gave this book a read and I will be for sure going to see the film and reading the sequel After Me very soon. I highly recommend this book if you want an emotional read as well as a beautifully written story as Jojo Moyes has done just that.

Rating /5

If you've read this book then let me know what you thought of it as I would love to know and I'll speak to you all very soon.

Happy Reading!


Bookshelf Reorganisation | 2016

Monday 13 June 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!

I've been meaning to reorganise my bookshelves for such a long time now and I've finally got round to doing it so here it is! Enjoy!

Happy Reading!!!


Me Before You by JoJo Moyes

Hello Everyone!

I haven't got round to telling you what I've been reading recently as I've been busy and not actually reading a lot but the book I'm reading at the minute is Me Before You by JoJo Moyes. I'm loving it so far but I definitely think it's going to be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster!

I will let you know all my thoughts on this book in my review which will hopefully be coming soon!

Happy Reading!


June TBR 2016 | BookTube

Monday 6 June 2016 0 comments
Hello Everyone!!!

Today I'm sharing with you all the books I plan to read in June. I have some books I've been excited to read for a long time on this list so I hope I can get them all read but we will see! Enjoy!

Let me know what you plan to read this month and I'll speak to you all very soon!

Happy Reading!!!


May Wrap Up 2016 | BookTube

Hello Everyone!!!

Here is my BookTube wrap up for the month of May where I go a little more in depth about my thoughts and opinions of what I have read this month. Enjoy!

Let me know what you've read in May and I will speak to you all very soon.

Happy Reading!!!


May Wrap Up | 2016

Hello Everyone!!!

Today I'm finally getting round to sharing with you all the books I read in May. I only managed to read 3 books this month and it was a bit of a mixed reading month. Some books I enjoyed, some I didn't. So lets get started!

The first book I read was...

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

This is about a circus that is only on during the night. Also two people have been put against each other in some sort of challenge but neither of them know who their opponent is. I couldn't get into this book at all and didn't feel attached to any of the characters. The story left me confused a lot of the time and I felt unattached to the actual story itself. The only thing I would say I did like was the imagery I got in my head of the circus as that was all quite clear. I only gave this book 1* on Goodreads.

The second book I read was...

Fallen Angel by David Lamour

Image from Google

I was sent this book from the author in exchange for an honest review which I have already posted both written and booktube versions of. But this is about a high school senior who has had to move from New York to Montana and does not like the change. However she soon realises that this is the least of her worries when angels try to kill her and she starts to fall in love with a demon boy. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and felt so attached to some of the characters. All of the events that happened were really clear in my head and I was kept on the edge of my seat until the very end. I gave this 4* on Goodreads and I can't wait for the rest of the series to be released.

And the third and final book I read was...

Charlotte's Web by E.B. White

This was my reread of the month and I really enjoyed revisiting this story. It's about a girl called Fern who brings up a pig called Wilbur but one day Fern's uncle buys Wilbur and he goes to live on his farm with the other animals. However Wilbur doesn't know what happens on a farm and his fate living there. So it's up to Fern and a spider called Charlotte to save Wilbur. I love all of the characters in this story and the family bond that develops between all of the farm animals is beautiful. It's a sweet little story that people of any age can read if you just need an easy quick read to fly through. I gave this book 4* on Goodreads.

So that's it for my May Wrap Up so now it's time to see which book gets my Favourite May Read. And my Favourite May Read goes to.....

Fallen Angel by David Lamour!!!

Image from Google

I just loved this book and can't wait for the rest of the series. It never had me bored and I constantly just wanted to keep on reading. 

Let me know what you've read in May and what your favourite book has been over the last month and I will speak to you all very soon.

Happy Reading!!!
