Ruler of Books Tag | BookTube

Sunday 29 May 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I'm sharing with you the Ruler of Books Tag. This was created by Ariel Bissett so feel free to go check out the original video on her channel.

Here are my answers for this tag. Enjoy!!!

Happy Reading!!!


Charlotte's Web by E.B. White - Review

Thursday 26 May 2016 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished rereading Charlotte's Web by E.B. White and once again I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's such a heart-warming read and I'm glad I revisited this story.

In this novel we meet Fern, a little girl who is given a pig to look after. She names this pig Wilbur and the two create a strong friendship. However Wilbur is soon bought by Fern's uncle who has a farm and Wilbur lives with the other animals on this farm. Fern still goes to see Wilbur everyday however and their friendship stays as strong as ever.

But when Wilbur finds out what happens on farms, and that his life won't be a very long one, he panics and tries to think of ways to change his fate. At this time he meets Charlotte, a spider who also lives on the farm in her web above the doorway. Charlotte promises Wilbur that she will save him and starts to think up ideas that could potentially work.

The idea consists of Charlotte writing words within her web like 'Some Pig' and 'Terrific' to make the humans think that Wilbur is a special pig so they won't kill him.

As the story continues we see lots of friendships develop between the animals as well as the humans and the farm becomes one big family unit.

I really enjoyed rereading this story and I loved the friendships that E.B. White has created with the animals. Even though the animals seem more like humans sometimes as they speak, you can't help but love their different behaviours and their ways of going about different everyday tasks in their animal-like ways.

I also really enjoyed the development with Wilbur. He started off as a bit clueless and childlike and although he still has his childlike mannerisms near the end, we see a much more content and knowledgeable Wilbur and one that thinks the world of his friends and would do anything for them.

Finally I found the storyline highly engaging and loved how the plot developed. I was never bored and I can understand why this story is a classic. Not only is it a sweet story, it teaches you life lessons throughout and I think it is a great read for any age.

Rating /5


If you've read Charlotte's Web, let me know what you thought of it as I would love to know. Also if you have any other classics that you would recommend, feel free to leave those in the comments as well.

Happy Reading!!!


Charlotte's Web by E.B. White

Monday 23 May 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've had a few days off reading as I've been away over the weekend however I can't wait to get stuck into another book. The next book I've decided to pick up is my reread of the month and that is Charlotte's Web by E.B. White.

This is about a girl called Fern and a pig called Wilbur. Wilbur lives on a farm and doesn't know his fate however Fern does and wants to save Wilbur. Between Fern and a spider called Charlotte, the two set out to save Wilbur and try to get him to understand what happens on a farm.

I love this story and I also love the film adaptation so I can't wait to revisit this as I haven't read it in a lot of years.

Happy Reading!!!


April/May Book Haul 2016 | BookTube

Thursday 19 May 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Here is my long awaited Book Haul. I've been meaning to post this for a while now but just haven't got round to it but it's finally here. Enjoy!!!

Happy Reading!!!


Fallen Angel by David Lamour - Review | BookTube

Wednesday 18 May 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I'm sharing with you my video review of Fallen Angel by David Lamour. Like I said in my written review, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I also loved making this video. Enjoy!!!

Happy Reading!!!


Fallen Angel by David Lamour - Review

Tuesday 17 May 2016 0 comments
Image from Google

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished Fallen Angel by David Lamour and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was sent this from the author in exchange for an honest review and I'm so happy that I accepted it.

This is about a girl called Evelynn who is forced to move from her home in New York to Montana where she will live with her Aunt and Uncle as her parents have sadly died. Evelynn is not happy about this at all and finds it difficult to settle in.

However she soon realises that this is the least of her worries when she starts to fall in love with a demon boy and as well as that, an angel tries to kill her.

I don't want to say much more about the synopsis as I don't want to give too much away so now onto my thoughts...

I loved David Lamour's writing style as it was so descriptive and I could really picture every location, character etc. The images were so clear in my head it was like watching a film.

I also loved the characters, especially Brandon as he was so lovely and caring towards Evelynn. When I read a book I like to get attached to the characters and I definitely did throughout this one. In the fighting scenes I was kept on the edge of my seat throughout, worrying what could happen to some of the characters. The suspense was insane and I just couldn't stop reading.

The only character that annoyed me some of the time was Evelynn because I found her to be really indecisive about what she wanted, however this wasn't too much of an issue for me as I was still kept gripped throughout. I also found it a little strange how Evelynn reacted to finding out about the demons and angels. She didn't seem too panicked or scared or even that confused, whereas I think those would be the reactions to finding out that piece of information.

The whole storyline was so intense and kept me interested the whole way through. I flew through this book and I haven't just sat down and read most of a book in one sitting in a while so I must have been hooked!

Overall I found this book highly enjoyable and I can't wait for the rest of the series to be released. I don't want to have to wait to find out more about these characters and where the storyline is heading. And even though I've read all of Fallen Angel, I'm still terrified for some of the character's safety!

Rating /5


Happy Reading!!!


UK vs US Book Covers 2016 | BookTube

Sunday 15 May 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

I decided to make a comparison video between UK and US Book Covers. I really enjoyed filming this so I think I'll do some more comparison videos in the future. If you have anything specific you would like me to compare then feel free to let me know. Enjoy!!!

Happy Reading!!!


Fallen Angel by David Lamour

Friday 13 May 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

The next book I've decided to read is Fallen Angel by David Lamour. I was asked by the author to read and review this book and after finding out more about it I'm super excited to give it a read.

All I know at the minute is that it's about a high school senior called Evelynn who has to move from New York to Montana after her parents die. She soon realises that the move is the least of her worries when an angel tries to kill her and she begins to fall in love with a demon boy.

Image from Google

Happy Reading!!!


The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern - Review

Thursday 12 May 2016 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've eventually finished The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern and I'm afraid to say I didn't enjoy it. I just couldn't get into it at all.

As far as I can gather, this book is about two young people that have been trained in magic and are brought together through the travelling Night Circus. Their trainers haven't told them, but they are actually in a game against each other. None of them know what the game entails or that they could both be in danger because of it.

What makes this even more difficult is that the two start to get feelings for each other and end up falling in love. By this point however they know about the game and that they are competing against each other which makes it very difficult for the two to come to terms with.

When the circus faces a spell that is out to destroy it, lots of events occur that would never have of occurred if it wasn't for this spell. This creates complications for the circus and the people involved with it.

I found this story difficult to follow and I didn't enjoy the writing style too much either which could have been why I found myself getting lost a lot. None of the story interested me much and if I did start to get into it slightly more, it would only last a couple of pages and then I would be back to being disinterested.

I didn't feel any emotions for any of the characters even though bad things were happening to some of them and I didn't get attached to any of them either which is something I love to do when reading.

The only element I could say was ok was I was able to picture the circus fairly well and I liked the way it was created as it wasn't the stereotypical circus you get all of the time. It had lots of mystery elements to it.

Other than that however I really didn't think much of this book and it's not a one I plan on rereading in the future.

Rating /5


If you've read this book let me know what you thought of it as I would love to get other's opinions on this one. Let me know why you think what you think as well as I'm interested in finding out your thoughts on this book.

Happy Reading!!!


May TBR | BookTube

Saturday 7 May 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I'm sharing with you my reading plans for this month. I've got some great books lined up and I'm super excited about this month in the world of books!!! Enjoy!!!

Happy Reading!!!


The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

Wednesday 4 May 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

The first book I've decided to read this month is The Night Circus my Erin Morgenstern. I started this a couple of days ago and I can't say I'm fully into it yet however I'm hoping this will change as I definitely thought this would be something I would enjoy.

All I know is it's about a circus that is only there during the night and it disappears when it wants to. Sounds super mysterious so I hope I start to enjoy it more as the story progresses.

Happy Reading!!!


April Wrap Up 2016 | BookTube

Hello Book Lovers!!!

Here is my video wrap up where I go a lot more in depth about my thoughts on the books I read in April. Enjoy!!!

Happy Reading!!!


April Wrap Up 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I'm finally sharing with you an overall look at all the books I read in April. Again I only read 3 books however I did enjoy all of them so I'm happy about that.

The first book I read was...

To All The Boy I've Loved Before by Jenny Han

This is about a girl called Lara Jean who writes letters to all the boys she's ever loved. These are just for her to see but one day all of the letters get sent out. I really loved the cute contemporary storyline and most of the characters were fantastic. Lara Jean annoyed me at times but other than that I really enjoyed it. I gave this 4* on Goodreads.

The next book I read was...

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

This is about a girl called Scout and her and her brother Jem as well as their friend Dill play outside and get into lots of mischief. They also have a neighbour called Boo that never leaves his house and they want to know why. As well as this Scout's dad is a lawyer and he agrees to defend a black man against a white girl's accusation. The story development in the novel is fantastic and the court case kept me gripped throughout. I also really loved Boo's storyline as it was so mysterious. I gave this 4* on Goodreads.

And the final book I read in April was...

The Magical Worlds of Harry Potter. A Treasury of Myths, Legends and Fascinating Facts by David Colbert

This was my reread of the month and I was super excited about revisiting it. This gives in depth detail about the creations of Harry Potter and where they came from. We learn about the backgrounds of the character's names as well as the magical places and creatures in the series. As well as that we delve into Greek Mythology and Latin Terminology as they were both major elements in the making of the wizarding world. I loved learning more about the series however I found that sometimes it was taking too long to get to the point trying to be made in each chapter. I gave this 3* on Goodreads.

So that's it for my April Wrap Up. I hope to read more in May and I have some great books lined up which I will share with you very soon in my TBR video.

Feel free to let me know what your favourite book you read in April was and I'll speak to you very soon.

Happy Reading!!!
