Geekerella by Ashley Poston - Review

Saturday 7 April 2018

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished my fourth book for the AprilAThon which was Geekerella by Ashley Poston! This was to complete the challenge of 'read a hyped book or a book that has been recommended to you'. And I'm so glad I have eventually read this story!

This is a Cinderella retelling with a fanbase twist! The main character Elle lives with her Stepmother and her two Stepsisters and she hates it. The only thing she currently likes about her life is her little job in the Magic Pumpkin (a food truck) where she spends her time serving customers and working with Sage (a very quirky character with a hilarious sense of humour!).

Elle also writes a blog about her favourite series Starfield and really wants to go to Excelsicon (the cosplay convention her dad created before he passed away). But more than anything she wants to win the cosplay competition so she can win enough money to get into the college of her dreams.

While all of this is happening, she also gets a message from a random number (on her dad's old phone that she now has) asking about Excelsicon. She would usually just ignore messages however something about this person intrigues her and before long they start messaging each other on a daily basis, not having a clue who each other are.

This is such a fast paced and exciting story and a fantastic Cinderella retelling. It made me laugh, it made me feel so attached to Elle instantly, and I was constantly wanting to find out what was going to happen to all of the characters.

On the lines of characters, one of my favourite characters ended up being Cal (one of Elle's stepsisters), which I never thought would happen. However she had so much depth to her character I really grew to love her. I also loved how the stepmother was written and reminded me a lot of Madame Tremaine from the Disney Cinderella. She was so evil but you couldn't help but love her character in a 'love hate' kind of way.

What I liked about Elle is how relatable I found her. I definitely have a geeky fandom side to me (Harry Potter!) and I also understood her personality down to a tee which definitely made me more attached to her than any of the other characters.

I also loved how the story was told in multiple perspectives as you got to know the two main protagonists very quickly from the offset. Darien (the other protagonist) is made out to be this 'famous, full of himself' kind of character however when we get to know Darien a bit more we soon find out that this isn't the case at all.

The writing style itself was very easy to understand and I never felt myself getting bored. I always wanted to know what was happening and I didn't want to put this book down. The only thing I didn't like so much is how long it took for two of the characters to meet. It drove me mad knowing everything and them not knowing. I just wished I could have jumped into the story and told them everything that had happened!

Overall this is a great book for if you're wanting a fun-filled retelling with geeky characters and a Comic Con style convention full of cosplay and competitions. I'd definitely recommend this and will more than likely reread this in the future.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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