The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher - Review

Friday 20 January 2017

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher and it was even better than I'd ever imagined. Such a heart-warming story with fantastic messages.

So The Christmasaurus is about a little boy called William Trundle. William is a wheelchair user and has been since being in an awful accident years beforehand. At school a new girl called Brenda Payne has joined and she is the most awful girl in school, so much so that she has turned all of William's friends against him. So as you can imagine William hates going to school.

What William loves more than anything in the world however is dinosaurs. He has everything dinosaur themed you could possibly think of. So this year for Christmas, William asks Santa for a dinosaur. But when William is woken up during the night of Christmas Eve he can't believe what he is faced with.

That's all I'm going to tell you as I think you just need to find out more by reading this book for yourself. It really is amazing. Although this book is aimed at a younger audience, it has a number of different messages that could be relevant to people of any age and I think Tom Fletcher has covered the issues these messages are about extremely well.

The storyline is perfect for younger readers and will definitely get you into the Christmas spirit so I would advise you read this story around Christmas time otherwise you're going to be left like me feeling all Christmassy in January! The settings were perfectly described and the illustrations throughout really brought the story to life.

The characters within this story will be characters I know I'll remember for a very long time as they were so entertaining in their own ways and the personalities of each of them really stood out from one another. I definitely think Mr Trundle was one of my favourite characters as although he wasn't present a lot of the time, he had a lot of development and really grew throughout the story. I also loved William as he just seemed to bring the best out of everyone...except the Hunter of course, a nasty piece of work that you don't want to ever come across!

Overall I think this is perfect for readers of all ages, not just younger readers and I think because of the messages this story brings, everyone should give it a read. I'd love to see a sequel to this story as it was left so beautifully but also in a way where there could be another story, maybe based more on Mr Trundle this time round. Overall a fantastic read and I highly recommend!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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