Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild

Sunday 22 January 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

The next book I've decided to read this month is Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild. I read this a while back and absolutely loved it and I've also seen the film a few times and really enjoyed that too. So I'm hoping I enjoy the story just as much, if not more, this time round.

If you don't know what this is about, its about three sisters called Pauline, Petrova and Posy. Pauline wants to be an actress, Petrova likes to play with cars and engines, and Posy wants to dance. But all of the girls are made to do dance lessons so it's about how they deal with this.

I don't remember much more but I'll be sure to give you lots more information in my review once I've read it.

Happy Reading!!!


The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher - Review

Friday 20 January 2017 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher and it was even better than I'd ever imagined. Such a heart-warming story with fantastic messages.

So The Christmasaurus is about a little boy called William Trundle. William is a wheelchair user and has been since being in an awful accident years beforehand. At school a new girl called Brenda Payne has joined and she is the most awful girl in school, so much so that she has turned all of William's friends against him. So as you can imagine William hates going to school.

What William loves more than anything in the world however is dinosaurs. He has everything dinosaur themed you could possibly think of. So this year for Christmas, William asks Santa for a dinosaur. But when William is woken up during the night of Christmas Eve he can't believe what he is faced with.

That's all I'm going to tell you as I think you just need to find out more by reading this book for yourself. It really is amazing. Although this book is aimed at a younger audience, it has a number of different messages that could be relevant to people of any age and I think Tom Fletcher has covered the issues these messages are about extremely well.

The storyline is perfect for younger readers and will definitely get you into the Christmas spirit so I would advise you read this story around Christmas time otherwise you're going to be left like me feeling all Christmassy in January! The settings were perfectly described and the illustrations throughout really brought the story to life.

The characters within this story will be characters I know I'll remember for a very long time as they were so entertaining in their own ways and the personalities of each of them really stood out from one another. I definitely think Mr Trundle was one of my favourite characters as although he wasn't present a lot of the time, he had a lot of development and really grew throughout the story. I also loved William as he just seemed to bring the best out of everyone...except the Hunter of course, a nasty piece of work that you don't want to ever come across!

Overall I think this is perfect for readers of all ages, not just younger readers and I think because of the messages this story brings, everyone should give it a read. I'd love to see a sequel to this story as it was left so beautifully but also in a way where there could be another story, maybe based more on Mr Trundle this time round. Overall a fantastic read and I highly recommend!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher

Tuesday 17 January 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

My first read (that hasn't overlapped from December) of the year is going to be The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher! I wanted to read this around Christmas time but never got round to it so I'm reading it in January instead...because why not!

All I know about this book is it's about a little boy in a wheelchair who's dad is Santa Claus and a Dinosaur comes into play somewhere along the lines! So I'll tell you a lot more once I've read it!

Happy Reading!!!


Series to Complete 2017 | BookTube

Hello Everyone!!!

The final post for today is another video but this time I tell you about all the series I want to complete this year. There are quite a few so it's not the shortest of videos but I hope you enjoy it!!!

Also feel free to tell me about any series you would like to complete this year as I'd love to know :)

Happy Reading!!!


January TBR 2017 | BookTube

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I'm quickly going to share with you my January TBR. I don't expect to get all of these books read but I hope to get at least three of them read. So these are the books I'm choosing from and I hope you enjoy my video!

Also feel free to let me know about any books you're planning on reading this month and I'll speak to you all very soon!

Happy Reading!!!


Always with Love by Giovanna Fletcher - Review

Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I'm finally sharing with you my thoughts and opinions on Always with Love by Giovanna Fletcher. I've been so busy this month that I've fallen behind with posts so apologies for that. However I'm playing catch up now so look forward to a couple more posts after this one (hopefully all today). But for now let me tell you about Always with Love!

This is the sequel to Billy and Me by Giovanna Fletcher (so if you've not read that and you don't want to be spoilt, stop reading now!). We revisit Sophie, Billy, the coffee shop, and Billy's crazy life of fame. However this time we see how they deal with being apart for longer periods of time due to work commitments.

While visiting his family in America with Sophie, Billy gets approached by a film director who wants him to be in his latest blockbuster. Billy is currently on a break so tells the director that he isn't interested at this moment but if any other acting roles come up then to let him know. However Billy's mother isn't to happy about his decision and Sophie overhears her saying that he shouldn't be letting a girl get in the way of his acting career.

So Sophie tells Billy to read the script before making a final decision which then leads Billy into wanting to take the role. Even though it was Sophie who told him to read the script, she can't help but feel a little bit upset when he takes the role as it means the couple will have to be separated for longer periods of time.

So while Billy is filming in America, Sophie goes back home to the coffee shop in Rosefont Hill and does what she enjoys the most...serving customers and finding out about all their juicy gossip which they can't help but tell her about.

But will Sophie and Billy cope with this separation, and what happens when the late owner of the coffee shop (Molly's) son turns up?

This is such a sweet story and I knew I'd enjoy it because I loved Billy and Me so much as well as the Christmas novella, Christmas with Billy and Me. So it was no surprise that I loved revisiting these characters and their crazy lives.

I still love Sophie and Billy and I think their characters have developed really well in this story, especially Sophie as she now has a lot more independence as she is getting used to not having Billy around all the time. I also loved that even though Molly isn't around anymore, her presence was still their through the coffee shop.

The locations as always were so beautifully described however I enjoyed reading more about Rosefont Hill than when they were in America. It's just a whole different world out there whereas I love the cosiness of the coffee shop here in the UK.

The storyline was really enjoyable to read about however I would have liked to see more of Billy's side of things as well as although we got a little bit of insight into his life as an actor, I only felt we got snippets. However I love Sophie's life and how different it is to Billy's and it was really interesting to see how they dealt with the distance as I'm also in a long distance relationship (however not quite that long distant!)

Overall I think this is a perfect read if you're looking for something super cosy with lovable characters and beautiful settings.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


December Wrap Up | 2016

Monday 9 January 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I'm sharing with you my December Wrap Up. It's a bit late but better late than never! I actually had a really good reading month in December and was really happy with all of the books I read. So here is my video and I hope you enjoy it!

Happy Reading!!!


Top 10 Books of 2016 | BookTube

Wednesday 4 January 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I have for you my Top 10 Books of 2016! I had a good reading year, I wouldn't say the best, but I definitely read some amazing books. So without further ado, here is the list of my Top 10 Books of 2016!


Happy Reading!!!
