James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl - Review

Monday 5 March 2018 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

The second book I managed to get read during the 24 Hour Readathon was James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl. This is one of my more favoured Roald Dahl stories so it was great to be reunited with these characters again.

If you somehow don't know what James and the Giant Peach is about then its about a little boy called James who's parents were killed by a rhino that had escaped the zoo so he now lives with his awful Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge. They treat him horribly and all James wants is to escape from them.

One day while he is out in the garden, a man comes up to James and tells his about these magic crocodile tongues he has and that they can make you happy again and that they are now James'. James is told to keep them very safe but on the way back up the garden he drops them all over the grass.

In the morning Aunt Sponge notices there is a peach on the peach tree...and this doesn't sound like exciting information, however the peach tree hasn't grown any peaches on it in years. So when they see this peach they get incredibly excited. But then they notice the peach starts to grow until it is so big its taken up nearly the whole garden!

People start to come round to look at the peach and Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge start charging people to look at it so they can make more money. But one night when James is sent out into the garden to pick up all the rubbish people had dropped while looking at the peach, he ends up finding an entrance into the peach itself...so he goes to investigate...and this is where the story really starts.

I really enjoyed this story once again and Roald Dahl's writing never fails to amuse me. He has a way with words that don't just entertain children but people of all ages. The story itself is highly engaging and in a lot of places, very funny.

The characters help bring this story alive and I love how all of the characters are all so quirky and funny. Even Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge who aren't likable characters are still brilliant to read about and because they are so stupid, you can't help but laugh at what they say and get up to.

James is such a lovely boy and always puts everybody else's needs before his own and because of this it is so lovely to see how he develops and gets the ending to the story he deserves.

The illustrations from Quentin Blake are once again fantastic and I don't think Roald Dahl's books would be the same without them. He is an amazing illustrator and a one you don't forget.

Overall this story is highly engaging and perfect for younger readers but also if you want a short story that will have you laughing and get you attached to the characters then I'd highly recommend this one.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl - Review

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I decided last week to join in with the 24 Hour Readathon that was held on March 3rd and hosted by Zoe from ReadbyZoe on YouTube. However this didn't go so well as my 24 hours got cut down to around 2 hours max! But I still did manage to read a couple of short books and the first of these books was The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl.

This book is about a boy who finds an old run-down building that used to be a sweet shop. He visits this building all the time and wonders what the sweet shop used to be like. But one day when he gets there he is met by a giraffe, a pelican and a monkey!

They all claim to have bought the building and are a window cleaning company but are all struggling for money...and without money, they can't get the food they need to eat.

So the little boy tries to help them get more people interested in their window cleaning company and when they get a rich man contacting them about the humongous amount of windows he has in his house that need cleaned...they can't say no!

This is a cute little read and definitely good for much younger readers. The writing is super easy to understand and it would be a great book to help children practice their reading. It is also great for a bedtime story as it doesn't take very long to read at all.

The characters in this story are all so likable and all so unique to each other and they all have their own little quirks that you can't help but love.

I love how the little boy was so selfless and only wanted to help the animals but because of him being so selfless, he did get rewarded in the end. 

The illustrations as always in Roald Dahl's books really helped bring the story to life even more and would definitely help younger reads engage with the story more as well. Overall I think this book is great for younger readers but as its Roald Dahl and I think this with any Roald Dahl book, I think you can be any age to read his stories. I wouldn't say this is one of my favourite Roald Dahl books, however it is still really enjoyable and great if you're looking for a super quick read.


Happy Reading!!!


24 Hour Readathon March 2018 | BookTube

Friday 2 March 2018 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

My second video today is about the 24 Hour Readathon hosted by ReadbyZoe that is taken place on March 3rd! I made a last minute decision to join in with this as I won't be working this Saturday so here is my TBR for the Readathon and I hope you enjoy it!

If you're joining in with the Readathon let me know as I'd love to talk to you about what you plan on reading and I'll be posting again very soon!

Happy Reading!!!


Popular Books I Need to Read 2018 | BookTube

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I have two videos for you today and the first one is about popular books that I haven't read yet but I really want to! So here is the video and I hope you enjoy it!

If there's a specific book I mention that you think I need to read first then let me know as I'd love to know your opinions and I'll speak to you all very soon!

Happy Reading!!!


Series I Need to Finish 2018 | BookTube

Thursday 1 March 2018 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Recently I've noticed I have a lot of series unfinished on my bookshelves so I've decided to make a video based entirely on these series! So here is the video and I hope you enjoy it! If you're currently making you're way through a series then let me know what series' they are as I'd love to know!

Happy Reading!!!


The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli - Review

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli and I really enjoyed it. Becky Albertalli is an author that I think is going to turn into an auto-buy-author for me!

This book is about Molly who has a twin sister called Cassie. Molly and Cassie are similar in some ways but very different in others, for example Cassie has had ex's, is very confident when it comes to relationships, and Molly has had 26 crushes and done nothing about any of them...until Cassie gets with a girl called Mina, and Mina has a friend called Will.

But Molly has also started a new job and is now working with a guy called Reid...who she thinks she might also like. So Molly is left in a position of not fully knowing what to do and because she's never done anything about any of her other crushes, she has no idea where to start with this situation.

I really enjoyed this story and I fell in love with the characters very quickly. I felt like I got to know them and their little unique personalities and that helped me enjoy the story even more. Cassie's outgoing, confident, excitable nature kept the story fast flowing and I also found myself laughing at her humor throughout the story.

I loved how I felt like I could relate to Molly in the sense of her being more of an introvert and she also fights with anxiety in a number of different situations. Because I felt I could relate, I got attached to Molly very quickly and felt a kind of protective sister vibe while following her in her story.

I loved the family element to this book and I loved how close Molly's family are. But even though they are all so close, Becky Albertalli didn't make it unrealistic and just like any family, they had up and downs!

This story is so fast paced and I never felt like I was getting bored. I would definitely recommend it if you're looking for a YA Contemporary with lovable characters and an adorable storyline!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!
