The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson

Monday 28 November 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

The next book I've decided to read is The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson! I'm super excited to read this book as I've heard some amazing reviews of it and I can't wait to see what my opinions of it are.

All I know is it's about a boy called David who wants to be a girl, and a boy called Leo who wants to be invisible. The two build an unlikely friendship and I'm guessing we follow their stories but I'm yet to find out what their stories are so I'll update you more in my review!

Happy Reading!!!


A Company of Swans by Eva Ibbotson - Review

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finally finished A Company of Swans by Eva Ibbotson. It took me so long to read and I found it dragged on an awful lot. But more about that in a bit.

In this book we follow Harriet Morton on her journey trying to pursue her dream of becoming a ballerina. She is approached by a Russian Ballet Coach to go on a tour with his company and star in their shows. Of course this is something that Harriet would love to do, however her father is completely against the whole idea.

Harriet manages to escape however and starts touring with the company. She is enjoying her time with the company however she is constantly worried that her father is going to find her.

Her father of course is doing everything he possibly can to find her and bring her home where he plans to punish her for her behaviour. He sends out other people to find her and they even go to watch some of the performances but find it difficult to pick her out among the large number of girls all dancing the same and dressed in the same costumes.

I don't really want to say anything else about the plot as I don't want to give anything away in case you would like to read it so now onto my thoughts and opinions of the book.

I found it incredibly slow and it took me ages to get through. I found it confusing keeping up with the large number of characters introduced as they were constantly being introduced throughout the story so when you think you've got used to who everyone is, more characters are then thrown into the mix.

I didn't feel I was getting attached to any of the characters and that is something I love to do when reading so that wasn't a good element for me.

I also found the writing style a little bit difficult to stay focused on. I felt my mind wandering a lot and that meant I was getting lost a lot on what was going on in the story. I also couldn't picture the locations very well as I didn't feel like the writing was that descriptive and when it was, it dragged on way too much.

Overall I didn't enjoy this story anywhere near as much as I was hoping to and it's probably not something I'd read again.

Rating /5

I hope I enjoy the next book I decide to read a lot more than I did this one.

Happy Reading!!!


Winter Wonderland Book Tag 2016 | BookTube

Sunday 27 November 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

I decided to do the Winter Wonderland Book Tag as I thought the questions would be really fun to answer and it's obviously the perfect time of year to do this. So here it is and I hope you enjoy!

Happy Reading!!!


Cosy Reads 2016 | BookTube

Wednesday 23 November 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

I decided to make a video talking about books that I think are perfect for this time of year, wrapped up in a blanket next to the fire, with a nice hot drink. So here it is and I hope you enjoy!

Happy Reading!!!


A Company of Swans by Eva Ibbotson

Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I'm finally sharing with you what I've been reading recently! I've not finished the book yet but I'm getting there! This month has been slow for reading. Anyway the book I'm talking about is A Company of Swans by Eva Ibbotson.

This is about a girl who loves to dance and gets approached by a Russian Ballet Coach to go touring with the company. She would love to however her father disagrees. That's all I'm going to tell you for now but I'll give you more information in my review.

Happy Reading!!!


November TBR 2016 | BookTube

Monday 21 November 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Sorry this is so late but here are all the books I planned to read in November! I know now that I definitely won't get all of these read but I'm working on getting around 3 of these read. Enjoy!

Happy Reading!!!


October Wrap Up 2016 | BookTube

Saturday 5 November 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

It's time for me to share with you my October Wrap Up Video!!! There's not a lot of books to show this time but I hope you enjoy it anyway!!!

Let me know what you're favourite read of October was and I'll speak to you all very soon!!!

Happy Reading!!!


October Wrap Up | 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I'm sharing with you my written wrap up for October. Unfortunately there's not a lot to show you however I still enjoyed the books I read so lets get started!

The first book I read in October was...

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K Rowling

This is of course the second book in the Harry Potter Series and I absolutely loved it! I think I prefer Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone however I still loved this one. I just love the magic system and the introduction of Dobby the House Elf in this book. I don't want to explain much about what this one is about as it's the second book in the series and I don't want to spoil anything for any of you but you're just going to have to trust me that it's amazing! Of course I gave this 5* on Goodreads.

And the second book I read in October was...

Will Grayson Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan

This is about a guy called Will Grayson who goes to school and is friends with a guy called Tiny Cooper. In another part of America there's also another guy called Will Grayson who is quite an introvert and finds comfort in talking to someone who he believes is called Isaac online. But you have to be careful when talking to people online as they might not be who they say they are. These two stories interlock and we follow their stories and how they become friends/enemies among one another. I really enjoyed this book and I completely fell in love with Tiny Cooper. I thought the character and story development was strong and the two author's writing styles worked well alongside each other. I gave this book 4* on Goodreads.

And now it's time for the award for Favourite October Read!!! And of course this has to go to...

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K Rowling!!!

This was definitely such a good book for me to reread and I can't wait to carry on with the rest of the series! If you've not read the Harry Potter books I thoroughly recommend them!

That's it for this post and I'll be sharing my October Wrap Up Video very soon!

Happy Reading!!!


Will Grayson Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan - Review

Tuesday 1 November 2016 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

The final book I read in October was Will Grayson Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan. I really enjoyed this book and I'm glad that's another John Green book I can say I've read.

This book follows Will Grayson (1) and his time in school with his friends. He has a best friend called Tiny Cooper who is extremely flamboyant which Will definitely isn't, but the two have this unlikely friendship. Tiny is also putting together a show for the school which Will Grayson is involved in...just not exactly directly...

And then we read about Will Grayson (2). He is very introvert and is also struggling with depression. He turns to someone online that he begins to message every night and becomes friends with. But of course with the internet you don't know for definite the person you're speaking to is definitely who they say they are.

Both Will Grayson's end up meeting each other in a rather unlikely way and the story begins to evolve into how their friendship develops and how they become linked.

I really enjoyed reading this story and I found the characters to be very likeable. I definitely had a favourite character in this story and that was the fabulous Tiny Cooper! He was brilliant to read about and I loved his character development.

The development for the other characters was also really strong and I found I got to know each character really well. The story was also super easy to follow even though it was written by two authors and the writing styles were slightly different from one another. Usually I wouldn't like this however I really didn't mind it in this story.

I found that the relationships between all of the characters were written and described really well and because of the friendships being so strong yet fragile, I could never really be 100% sure with what was going to happen.

Overall I really liked this story and it's a one I'm likely to read again in the future.

Rating /5

If you've read this book then let me know what you thought of it as I'd love to know and I'll speak to you all very soon!

Happy Reading!!!


Halloween Book Tag 2016 | BookTube

Hello Book Lovers!!!

Yesterday I posted a video specifically for Halloween and today I'm sharing it with you all! I decided to do a tag that has been floating around BookTube and that's the Halloween Book Tag! I loved the questions for this tag and thoroughly enjoyed answering them so I hope you enjoy watching my video and if you've done this tag then let me know!

Happy Reading!!!
