Boy by Roald Dahl - Review

Sunday 26 August 2018 0 comments
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(Image from Google)

Hello Book Lovers!!!

It's been a while since I've posted anything and that's really just because I've been so busy I haven't really been reading anything, until now! I've just finished Boy by Roald Dahl which was a reread for me and I thoroughly enjoyed it again.

If you don't know what Boy is about, it is about Roald Dahl's childhood from when he was a baby up until he left his final school. We get to learn about his family and all the mischief he got up to with his friends and we also get to learn about the schools he went to and some of the awful teachers he had to face during his time there.

Roald Dahl was brought up in a time where the cane was still around and some schools were terrifyingly strict so although some schools are still strict now, it was interesting to see the change in which schools are run now compared to when Roald Dahl was in his school years.

This was definitely and interesting and insightful read and it is very clear from reading this that there is a very big generation change now to back then. (And some of the things from back then I'd say I'd prefer to some of the things now, lets just say I'm a one for tradition!).

I thought that the writing in this book although it is none fiction is still very child friendly and sometimes I'd forget that this is actually true stories about the authors life. This is a great book for all ages as it has the humour for the younger readers but also the history and facts and figures for older readers.

I have to say I did find myself laughing quite a lot and one chapter that stuck out for me was the chapter where the children play a prank on the sweet shop owner. You can picture the mischief like you were there with them and being part of the prank yourself.

Overall I think this is a great read for everyone and if you'd like to find out more about Roald Dahl's life throughout childhood I'd definitely read this. He also wrote another book after this called Going Solo which I will hopefully be reading very soon. This is about his adult years after where Boy left off.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!
